David Blewett wrote:
Today on IRC, someone was wondering what the preferred method of
exporting data in a specific encoding via COPY was. They reply was
wrapping the COPY command in "set client_encoding='foo';", which made
me wonder how hard it would be to add an additional WITH parameter to
the actual COPY statement to specify the encoding, a la:
[ [ WITH ]
          [ BINARY ]
          [ OIDS ]
          [ DELIMITER [ AS ] 'delimiter' ]
          [ ENCODING [ AS ] 'charset' ]
          [ NULL [ AS ] 'null string' ]
          [ CSV [ HEADER ]
                [ QUOTE [ AS ] 'quote' ]
                [ ESCAPE [ AS ] 'escape' ]
                [ FORCE QUOTE column [, ...] ]

Any objections? It seems like a cleaner solution client side than
issuing multiple calls to set the client_encoding. If there are no
objections, I can attempt to prepare a patch for the next commitfest.

David Blewett

I think that I was the one who wondered about that. Our use case is related to moving data between different servers which have different encodings. Ofcourse the encoding should be an option only when COPY involves files.

Nagy Karoly Gabriel
Expert Software Group SRL

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