> So, this shows two problems :
> - length() on the server side doesn't handle correctly Unicode [I have
>   the same result with char_length()], and returns the number of chars
>   (as it is however advertised to do), rather the length of the
>   string.

This is a known limitation.

> - the psql frontend makes the same mistake.
> I am using version 7.1.3 (debian sid), so it may have been corrected
> in the meantime (in this case, I apologise, but I have only recently
> started again to use PostgreSQL and I haven't followed -hackers long
> enough).
> => I think fixing psql shouldn't be too complicated, as the glibc
> should be providing the locale, and return the right values (is this
> the case ? and what happens for combined latin + chinese characters
> for example ? I'll have to try that later). If it's not fixed already,
> do you want me to look at this ? [it will take some time, as I haven't
> set up any development environment for postgres yet, and I'm away for
> one week from thursday].

Sounds great.

> I was wondering if some people have already thought about this, or
> already done something, or if some of you are interested in this. If
> nobody does anything, I'll do something eventually, probably before
> Christmas (I don't have much time for this, and I don't need the
> functionality right now), but if there is an interest, I could team
> with others and develop it faster :)

I'm very interested in your point. I will start studying [1][2] after
the beta freeze.

> Anyway, I'm open to suggestions :
> - implement it in C, in the core,
> - implement it in C, as contributed custom functions,

This may be a good starting point.

> I can't really accept a solution which would rely on the underlaying
> libc, as it may not provide the necessary locales (or maybe, then,

I totally agree here.

> The main functions I foresee are :
> - provide a normalisation function to all 4 forms,
> - provide a collation_key(text, language) function, as the calculation
>   of the key may be expensive, some may want to index on the result (I
>   would :) ),
> - provide a collation algorithm, using the two previous facilities,
>   which can do primary to tertiary collation (cf TR#10 for a detailed
>   explanation).
> I haven't looked at PostgreSQL code yet (shame !), so I may be
> completely off-track, in which case I'll retract myself and won't
> bother you again (on that subject, that is ;) )...
> Comments ?
Tatsuo Ishii

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