Joshua Brindle wrote:
> How many people are you looking for? Is there a number or are you
> waiting for a good feeling?

Is it individuals or organizations people are looking for?

I see KaiGai wrote "In addition, I (and NEC) can provide our
capability to the PostgreSQL community to keep these security
features work correctly. "

Does that imply that a larger part of NEC is interested?

> The unfortunate part is that many of the people that would use it are
> unable to publicly say so.

Could they publicly say something softer.

I see SELinux had a number of large organizations (NSA) and
publicly traded companies (Secure Computing Corp,  Network
Associates, etc) pushing it and contributing to it.

If people who could speak for those organizations were here
saying "ooh, and such features in a F/OSS database would be
interesting too", that would probably convince a lot of people.

Joshua - if you're still associated with Tresys - could someone
who could speak for that company say what they think about this
project?   The seem quite in-the-loop on what SELinux customers

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