On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 7:47 PM, Tom Lane<t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Here is an updated version of my "generic options for explain" patch.
> What is the rationale for essentially duplicating defGetBoolean()?

I just didn't realize we already had something along those lines.
Updated patch attached, to which I've also applied Andres Freund's
parser changes, suggested here:


> Also, I'd suggest changing the ExplainStmt struct to have a list of
> DefElem options instead of hard-wiring the option set at that level.

What is the advantage of that?

*** a/contrib/auto_explain/auto_explain.c
--- b/contrib/auto_explain/auto_explain.c
*** 14,19 ****
--- 14,20 ----
  #include "commands/explain.h"
  #include "executor/instrument.h"
+ #include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
  #include "utils/guc.h"
*** 196,207 **** explain_ExecutorEnd(QueryDesc *queryDesc)
  		msec = queryDesc->totaltime->total * 1000.0;
  		if (msec >= auto_explain_log_min_duration)
  			StringInfoData buf;
! 			ExplainPrintPlan(&buf, queryDesc,
! 						 queryDesc->doInstrument && auto_explain_log_analyze,
! 							 auto_explain_log_verbose);
  			/* Remove last line break */
  			if (buf.len > 0 && buf.data[buf.len - 1] == '\n')
--- 197,210 ----
  		msec = queryDesc->totaltime->total * 1000.0;
  		if (msec >= auto_explain_log_min_duration)
+ 			ExplainStmt   *stmt = makeExplain(NIL, NULL);
  			StringInfoData buf;
! 			stmt->analyze =
! 				(queryDesc->doInstrument && auto_explain_log_analyze);
! 			stmt->verbose = auto_explain_log_verbose;
! 			ExplainPrintPlan(&buf, queryDesc, stmt);
  			/* Remove last line break */
  			if (buf.len > 0 && buf.data[buf.len - 1] == '\n')
*** a/doc/src/sgml/ref/explain.sgml
--- b/doc/src/sgml/ref/explain.sgml
*** 31,36 **** PostgreSQL documentation
--- 31,37 ----
+ EXPLAIN [ ( [ { ANALYZE | VERBOSE | COSTS } [ <replaceable class="parameter">boolean_value</replaceable> ] ] [, ...] ) ] <replaceable class="parameter">statement</replaceable>
  EXPLAIN [ ANALYZE ] [ VERBOSE ] <replaceable class="parameter">statement</replaceable>
*** 70,75 **** EXPLAIN [ ANALYZE ] [ VERBOSE ] <replaceable class="parameter">statement</replac
--- 71,86 ----
     are close to reality.
+   <para>
+    Only the <literal>ANALYZE</literal> and <literal>VERBOSE</literal> options
+    can be specified, and only in the order, without surrounding the option list
+    in parentheses.  Prior to <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> 8.5, the
+    unparenthesized syntax was the only one supported.  It is expected that
+    all new options will be supported only when using the parenthesized syntax,
+    which also allows a value to be specified for each option
+    (e.g. <literal>TRUE</literal> or <literal>FALSE</literal>).
+   </para>
      Keep in mind that the statement is actually executed when
*** 99,105 **** ROLLBACK;
!       Carry out the command and show the actual run times.
--- 110,117 ----
!       Carry out the command and show the actual run times.  This
!       parameter defaults to <command>FALSE</command>.
*** 108,114 **** ROLLBACK;
!       Include the output column list for each node in the plan tree.
--- 120,151 ----
!       Include the output column list for each node in the plan tree.  This
!       parameter defaults to <command>FALSE</command>.
!      </para>
!     </listitem>
!    </varlistentry>
!    <varlistentry>
!     <term><literal>COSTS</literal></term>
!     <listitem>
!      <para>
!       Include information on the estimated startup and total cost of each
!       plan node, as well as the estimated number of rows and the estimated
!       width of each row.  This parameter defaults to <command>TRUE</command>.
!      </para>
!     </listitem>
!    </varlistentry>
!    <varlistentry>
!     <term><replaceable class="parameter" />boolean_value</replaceable></term>
!     <listitem>
!      <para>
!       Specifies whether the named parameter should be turned on or off.  You
!       can use the values <literal>TRUE</literal> or <literal>1</literal> to
!       request the stated option, and <literal>FALSE</literal>
!       or <literal>0</literal>.  If the Boolean value is omitted, it defaults
!       to <literal>TRUE</literal>.
*** 202,207 **** EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM foo WHERE i = 4;
--- 239,258 ----
+    Here is the same plan with costs suppressed:
+ <programlisting>
+         QUERY PLAN
+ ----------------------------
+  Index Scan using fi on foo
+    Index Cond: (i = 4)
+ (2 rows)
+ </programlisting>
+   </para>
+   <para>
     Here is an example of a query plan for a query using an aggregate
*** a/src/backend/commands/explain.c
--- b/src/backend/commands/explain.c
*** 46,51 **** typedef struct ExplainState
--- 46,52 ----
  	/* options */
  	bool		printTList;		/* print plan targetlists */
  	bool		printAnalyze;	/* print actual times */
+ 	bool		printCosts;		/* print costs */
  	/* other states */
  	PlannedStmt *pstmt;			/* top of plan */
  	List	   *rtable;			/* range table */
*** 268,274 **** ExplainOnePlan(PlannedStmt *plannedstmt, ExplainStmt *stmt,
  	/* Create textual dump of plan tree */
! 	ExplainPrintPlan(&buf, queryDesc, stmt->analyze, stmt->verbose);
  	 * If we ran the command, run any AFTER triggers it queued.  (Note this
--- 269,275 ----
  	/* Create textual dump of plan tree */
! 	ExplainPrintPlan(&buf, queryDesc, stmt);
  	 * If we ran the command, run any AFTER triggers it queued.  (Note this
*** 340,347 **** ExplainOnePlan(PlannedStmt *plannedstmt, ExplainStmt *stmt,
   * NB: will not work on utility statements
! ExplainPrintPlan(StringInfo str, QueryDesc *queryDesc,
! 				 bool analyze, bool verbose)
  	ExplainState es;
--- 341,347 ----
   * NB: will not work on utility statements
! ExplainPrintPlan(StringInfo str, QueryDesc *queryDesc, ExplainStmt *stmt)
  	ExplainState es;
*** 349,356 **** ExplainPrintPlan(StringInfo str, QueryDesc *queryDesc,
  	memset(&es, 0, sizeof(es));
  	es.str = str;
! 	es.printTList = verbose;
! 	es.printAnalyze = analyze;
  	es.pstmt = queryDesc->plannedstmt;
  	es.rtable = queryDesc->plannedstmt->rtable;
--- 349,357 ----
  	memset(&es, 0, sizeof(es));
  	es.str = str;
! 	es.printTList = stmt->verbose;
! 	es.printAnalyze = stmt->analyze;
! 	es.printCosts = stmt->costs;
  	es.pstmt = queryDesc->plannedstmt;
  	es.rtable = queryDesc->plannedstmt->rtable;
*** 688,696 **** ExplainNode(Plan *plan, PlanState *planstate, Plan *outer_plan,
! 	appendStringInfo(es->str, "  (cost=%.2f..%.2f rows=%.0f width=%d)",
! 					 plan->startup_cost, plan->total_cost,
! 					 plan->plan_rows, plan->plan_width);
  	 * We have to forcibly clean up the instrumentation state because we
--- 689,698 ----
! 	if (es->printCosts)
! 		appendStringInfo(es->str, "  (cost=%.2f..%.2f rows=%.0f width=%d)",
! 						 plan->startup_cost, plan->total_cost,
! 						 plan->plan_rows, plan->plan_width);
  	 * We have to forcibly clean up the instrumentation state because we
*** a/src/backend/nodes/copyfuncs.c
--- b/src/backend/nodes/copyfuncs.c
*** 2877,2882 **** _copyExplainStmt(ExplainStmt *from)
--- 2877,2883 ----
  	return newnode;
*** a/src/backend/nodes/equalfuncs.c
--- b/src/backend/nodes/equalfuncs.c
*** 1469,1474 **** _equalExplainStmt(ExplainStmt *a, ExplainStmt *b)
--- 1469,1475 ----
  	return true;
*** a/src/backend/nodes/makefuncs.c
--- b/src/backend/nodes/makefuncs.c
*** 17,25 ****
  #include "catalog/pg_type.h"
  #include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
  #include "utils/lsyscache.h"
   * makeA_Expr -
   *		makes an A_Expr node
--- 17,25 ----
  #include "catalog/pg_type.h"
  #include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
+ #include "utils/builtins.h"
  #include "utils/lsyscache.h"
   * makeA_Expr -
   *		makes an A_Expr node
*** 385,387 **** makeDefElemExtended(char *nameSpace, char *name, Node *arg,
--- 385,418 ----
  	return res;
+ /*
+  * makeExplain -
+  *  build an ExplainStmt node by parsing the generic options list
+  */
+ ExplainStmt *
+ makeExplain(List *options, Node *query)
+ {
+ 	ExplainStmt *n = makeNode(ExplainStmt);
+ 	ListCell *lc;
+ 	n->costs = true;
+ 	n->query = query;
+ 	foreach (lc, options)
+ 	{
+ 		DefElem *opt = lfirst(lc);
+ 		if (!strcmp(opt->defname, "analyze"))
+ 			n->analyze = defGetBoolean(opt);
+ 		else if (!strcmp(opt->defname, "verbose"))
+ 			n->verbose = defGetBoolean(opt);
+ 		else if (!strcmp(opt->defname, "costs"))
+ 			n->costs = defGetBoolean(opt);
+ 		else
+ 			ereport(ERROR,
+ 				 errmsg("unknown EXPLAIN option: %s", opt->defname)));
+ 	}
+ 	return n;
+ }
*** a/src/backend/parser/gram.y
--- b/src/backend/parser/gram.y
*** 321,327 **** static TypeName *TableFuncTypeName(List *columns);
  %type <list>	opt_interval interval_second
  %type <node>	overlay_placing substr_from substr_for
! %type <boolean> opt_instead opt_analyze
  %type <boolean> index_opt_unique opt_verbose opt_full
  %type <boolean> opt_freeze opt_default opt_recheck
  %type <defelt>	opt_binary opt_oids copy_delimiter
--- 321,327 ----
  %type <list>	opt_interval interval_second
  %type <node>	overlay_placing substr_from substr_for
! %type <boolean> opt_instead
  %type <boolean> index_opt_unique opt_verbose opt_full
  %type <boolean> opt_freeze opt_default opt_recheck
  %type <defelt>	opt_binary opt_oids copy_delimiter
*** 369,374 **** static TypeName *TableFuncTypeName(List *columns);
--- 369,379 ----
  %type <defelt>	generic_option_elem alter_generic_option_elem
  %type <list>	generic_option_list alter_generic_option_list
+ %type <str>		explain_option_name
+ %type <node>	explain_option_arg
+ %type <defelt>	explain_option_elem
+ %type <list>	explain_option_list
  %type <typnam>	Typename SimpleTypename ConstTypename
  				GenericType Numeric opt_float
  				Character ConstCharacter
*** 6469,6485 **** opt_name_list:
   *		QUERY:
! ExplainStmt: EXPLAIN opt_analyze opt_verbose ExplainableStmt
! 					ExplainStmt *n = makeNode(ExplainStmt);
! 					n->analyze = $2;
  					n->verbose = $3;
- 					n->query = $4;
  					$$ = (Node *)n;
--- 6474,6506 ----
   *		QUERY:
+  *				EXPLAIN ( options ) query
! ExplainStmt:
! 		EXPLAIN ExplainableStmt
! 				{
! 					ExplainStmt *n = makeExplain(NIL, (Node *) $2);
! 					$$ = (Node *)n;
! 				}
! 		| EXPLAIN ANALYZE opt_verbose ExplainableStmt
! 					ExplainStmt *n = makeExplain(NIL, (Node *) $4);
! 					n->analyze = TRUE;
  					n->verbose = $3;
  					$$ = (Node *)n;
+ 		| EXPLAIN VERBOSE ExplainableStmt
+ 				{
+ 					ExplainStmt *n = makeExplain(NIL, (Node *) $3);
+ 					n->verbose = TRUE;
+ 					$$ = (Node *)n;
+ 				}
+ 		|	EXPLAIN '(' explain_option_list ')' ExplainableStmt
+ 				{
+ 					$$ = (Node *) makeExplain((List *) $3, (Node *) $5);
+ 				}
*** 6492,6500 **** ExplainableStmt:
  			| ExecuteStmt					/* by default all are $$=$1 */
! opt_analyze:
! 			analyze_keyword			{ $$ = TRUE; }
! 			| /* EMPTY */			{ $$ = FALSE; }
--- 6513,6547 ----
  			| ExecuteStmt					/* by default all are $$=$1 */
! explain_option_list:
! 			explain_option_elem
! 				{
! 					$$ = list_make1($1);
! 				}
! 			| explain_option_list ',' explain_option_elem
! 				{
! 					$$ = lappend($1, $3);
! 				}
! 		;
! explain_option_elem:
! 			explain_option_name explain_option_arg
! 				{
! 					$$ = makeDefElem($1, $2);
! 				}
! 		;
! explain_option_name:
! 				ColId			{ $$ = $1; }
! 			| VERBOSE			{ $$ = "verbose"; }
! 			| analyze_keyword	{ $$ = "analyze"; }
! 		;
! explain_option_arg:
! 			  opt_boolean			{ $$ = (Node *) makeString($1); }
! 			| ColId_or_Sconst		{ $$ = (Node *) makeString($1); }
! 			| SignedIconst			{ $$ = (Node *) makeInteger($1); }
! 			| /* EMPTY */			{ $$ = NULL; }
*** a/src/include/commands/explain.h
--- b/src/include/commands/explain.h
*** 44,49 **** extern void ExplainOnePlan(PlannedStmt *plannedstmt, ExplainStmt *stmt,
  			   TupOutputState *tstate);
  extern void ExplainPrintPlan(StringInfo str, QueryDesc *queryDesc,
! 				 bool analyze, bool verbose);
  #endif   /* EXPLAIN_H */
--- 44,49 ----
  			   TupOutputState *tstate);
  extern void ExplainPrintPlan(StringInfo str, QueryDesc *queryDesc,
! 				 ExplainStmt *stmt);
  #endif   /* EXPLAIN_H */
*** a/src/include/nodes/makefuncs.h
--- b/src/include/nodes/makefuncs.h
*** 69,72 **** extern DefElem *makeDefElem(char *name, Node *arg);
--- 69,74 ----
  extern DefElem *makeDefElemExtended(char *nameSpace, char *name, Node *arg,
  					DefElemAction defaction);
+ extern ExplainStmt *makeExplain(List *options, Node *query);
  #endif   /* MAKEFUNC_H */
*** a/src/include/nodes/parsenodes.h
--- b/src/include/nodes/parsenodes.h
*** 2194,2200 **** typedef struct ExplainStmt
  	NodeTag		type;
  	Node	   *query;			/* the query (as a raw parse tree) */
  	bool		verbose;		/* print plan info */
! 	bool		analyze;		/* get statistics by executing plan */
  } ExplainStmt;
  /* ----------------------
--- 2194,2201 ----
  	NodeTag		type;
  	Node	   *query;			/* the query (as a raw parse tree) */
  	bool		verbose;		/* print plan info */
! 	bool		analyze;		/* actually execute plan */
! 	bool		costs;			/* print costs and times */
  } ExplainStmt;
  /* ----------------------
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