Sam Mason wrote:
On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 12:27:12PM +0900, KaiGai Kohei wrote:
Indeed, the draft used the term of "security context" with minimum
introductions, but not enough friendliness for database folks.

The purpose of security context is an identifier of any subject and
object to describe them in the security policy. Because the security
policy is common for operating system, databases, x-window and others,
any managed database objects needs its security context.

Anyway, I need to introduce them in the security model section.

I'm coming to the conclusion that you really need to link to external
material here; there must be good (and canonical) definitions of these
things outside and because SE-PG isn't self contained I really think you
need to link to them.

This will be somewhat of a break from normal PG documentation because
so far everything has been self contained, it's chosen its own
interpretation of the SQL standard and it needs to document that.  SE-PG
will be interacting with much more code from outside and showing which
parts of these are PG specific vs. which parts are common to all SELinux
seems important.

If you try to document *everything* you're going to be writing for years
and give the impression that everything is implemented in SE-PG.  A
dividing line needs to be drawn between what is PG specific and what is
SELinux (why not SEL?).

It also seems to me reasonable suggestion.

However, a reasonable amount (which should be adjusted under discussions)
of description should be self-contained.
For example, "security context is a formatted short string" is not enough
to understand why it is necessary and what is the purpose.

As Robert suggested, a few example and definition of technical terms
will help database folks to understand what it is, even if self-contained
explanation is not comprehensive from viewpoint of security folks.

KaiGai Kohei <>

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