Tom Lane <> wrote:
> "Todd A. Cook" <> writes:
>> I've noticed that on 8.4.0, commits can take a long time when a
>> temp table is repeatedly filled and truncated within a loop.
> The commit time doesn't seem tremendously out of line, but it looks
> like there's something O(N^2)-ish in the function execution.  Do
> you see a similar pattern?  With so many temp files there could well
> be some blame on the kernel side.  (This is a Fedora 10 box.)
This sounds very similar to my experience here:
Depending on what sort of RAID controller caching is present, a BBU
cache might be containing the problem up to some threshold.  Perhaps
it's not so much O(N^2) as O(N)-<someconstant>, with a min of zero?

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