> What use is there for fuzzy predicates?  I think it would mainly be to
> stop more students from coming up with new implementations of the same
> thing over and over.

Well, I'm sorry if anyone of us who is involved on these projects have
already explain the true usefulness of sqlf and fuzzy database, I guess we
focus just in the technical problem, but never explain the theory.

For example here is a paragraph from Flexible queries in relational
databases paper:

   "This paper deals with this second type of "uncertainty" and is concerned
essentially with
database language extensions in order to deal with more expressive
requirements. Indeed,
consider a query such that, for instance, "retrieve the apartments which are
not too expensive
and not too far from downtown". In such a case, there does not exist a
definite threshold for
which the price becomes suddenly too high, but rather we have to
discriminate between
prices which are perfectly acceptable for the user, and other prices,
somewhat higher, which
are still more or less acceptable (especially if the apartment is close to
downtown). Note that
the meaning of vague predicate expressions like "not too expensive" is
dependent, rather than universal. Fuzzy set membership functions [26] are
convenient tools
for modelling user's preference profiles and the large panoply of fuzzy set
connectives can
capture the different user attitudes concerning the way the different
criteria present in his/her
query compensate or not; see [4] for a unified presentation in the fuzzy set
framework of the
existing proposals for handling flexible queries. Moreover in a given query,
some part of the
request may be less important to fulfill (e.g., in the above example, the
price requirement
may be judged more important than the distance to downtown); the handling of
leads to the need for weighted connectives, as it will be seen in the

I really think this could be something useful, but it is sometimes difficult
to implement and I'm trying to make a different and easy way to do things.


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