Hello Tom,

Quoting "Tom Lane" <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us>:
Either the SK_ROW_MEMBER flag is entirely wrong..

Uhm.. yes, that's it. I've been under the impression that for an index scan with multiple attributes, I need to assemble scan keys with SK_ROW_MEMBER, SK_ROW_END and SK_ROW_HEADER. I now realize that's plain wrong and I can simply provide as many scan keys as I have attributes to scan for, without fiddling with any flag or subtype. The code in question now uses the simpler ScanKeyInit() and looks as follows:

    for (i = 0; i < numKeys; i++)
        attnum = idx_info->ii_KeyAttrNumbers[i];

        get_sort_group_operators(tdesc->attrs[attnum - 1]->atttypid,
                                 false, true, false,
                                 NULL, &eq_func, NULL);

        ScanKeyInit(&skeys[i], i + 1, BTEqualStrategyNumber,
                    get_opcode(eq_func), values[attnum - 1]);

Thank you very much for your help, that quickly got me on track again.


Markus Wanner

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