Le mercredi 26 août 2009 à 16:56 -0400, Alvaro Herrera a écrit :
> Have you tried Drupal 7?  It's said to have many of these corrected.
> Maybe you should stop wasting your time with 6.x.

I am running a large community on the Net and people would like to
migrate our framework to Drupal. We agreed to.

I already assembled 30 modules to develop a complete service. 

But it does not scale very well as my testings show that queries are
slow. I wrote SQL guides to inform the Drupal community. It seems that
Drupal developers do not make a relationship between database and CPU
time or memory usage. Therefore Drupal PHP cache is filled with SQL
queries. At it demands more and more memory.

I am probably going to migrate to Drupal 6.x in a few days and I will
fix queries by hand in case of problems. This is what happened when we
migrated to PhpBB.

Bye, Jean-Michel

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