Robert Haas <> wrote: 
> The final CommitFest began November 11, 2008.  It closed March 25,
> 2009 (+ 144 days).  Beta1 was released April 15, 2009 (+ 21 days).
I'm not entirely clear on what was happening during the 21 days
between the end of the CommitFest and and the release of beta1.  I
seem to remember Bruce saying that there were bugs being fixed, and
that it didn't make sense to release a beta with known bugs of that
magnitude, but I'm not clear on what was up with that.  Did we close
the CF with known bugs open, or were these missed in the CF and found
after?  Surely it shouldn't normally take three weeks to get a beta
test version to the public after we close the last CF?
Just looking for where we could pick up a few weeks more of
development in each year....

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