"Greg Sabino Mullane" <g...@turnstep.com> wrote:
>  -
>    Plan:
>      Node Type: Index Scan
>      Scan Direction: Forward
>      Index Name: pg_class_relname_nsp_index
>      Relation Name: pg_class
>      Alias: pg_class
>      Startup Cost: 0.00
>      Total Cost: 8.27
>      Plan Rows: 1
>      Plan Width: 0
>      Actual Startup Time: 0.019
>      Actual Total Time: 0.019
>      Actual Rows: 0
>      Actual Loops: 1
>      Index Cond: "(relname = 'foo\"bar\"'::name)"
>    Triggers:
>    Total Runtime: 0.058
+1 for including this format.  On a ten point scale for human
readability, I'd give this about a nine.  It's something I'd be
comfortable generating in order to annotate and include in an email to
programmers or managers who wouldn't have a clue how to read the
current text version of a plan.

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