Hello Kevin,

a technical comment about line 71 and following of your shell script:

# Check that we have one parameter: action
if [ $# -ne 1 ] ; then
  if [ $# -lt 1 -o "$1" = "" ] ] ; then
    log_failure_msg "$0: action not specified"
    log_failure_msg "$0: too many parameters"
  log_warning_msg "$usage"
  exit 2

I think in the second "if" there's a closing square bracket too much.


Von: Kevin Grittner <kevin.gritt...@wicourts.gov>
An: Andrew Dunstan <and...@dunslane.net>
CC: David Fetter <da...@fetter.org>; Greg Stark <gsst...@mit.edu>; 
Gesendet: Montag, den 31. August 2009, 21:06:22 Uhr
Betreff: Re: [HACKERS] Linux LSB init script

Andrew Dunstan <and...@dunslane.net> wrote:

> cvsutils

That allowed me to use 'cvsdo add' and 'cvs diff -cN' to generate the
attached.  This contains a couple minor fixes to what I posted in "new
file" form.  I was holding off on the CommitFest entry until I sorted
out the format; I'll link here as version 1 of the patch.


Index: contrib/start-scripts/linux-lsb
RCS file: contrib/start-scripts/linux-lsb
diff -N contrib/start-scripts/linux-lsb
*** /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
--- contrib/start-scripts/linux-lsb	31 Aug 2009 19:02:11 -0000
*** 0 ****
--- 1,298 ----
+ #! /bin/sh
+ # Provides: postgresql
+ # Required-Start: $local_fs $network $syslog
+ # Should-Start: $remote_fs $named $time
+ # Required-Stop: $local_fs $network $syslog
+ # Should-Stop: $remote_fs $named
+ # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
+ # Default-Stop: 0 1 6
+ # Short-Description: PostgreSQL RDBMS
+ # Description: PostgreSQL RDBMS service.
+ #              The world's most advanced open source database.
+ #              See http://www.postgresql.org/ for more information.
+ # This is an example of a Linux LSB conforming init script.
+ # See http://refspecs.freestandards.org/ for more information on LSB.
+ # Original author:  Kevin Grittner
+ # $PostgreSQL$
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # The only edits needed should be in the INIT INFO block above
+ # and between the lines of dashes below.  If any other
+ # changes are needed, or you find a way to enhance the script,
+ # consider posting to the PostgreSQL hackers list.
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Installation prefix
+ prefix=/usr/local/pgsql
+ # Data directory
+ PGDATA="/var/local/pgsql/data"
+ # Who to run the postmaster as, usually "postgres".  (NOT "root")
+ PGUSER=postgres
+ # Where to keep a log file
+ PGLOG="$PGDATA/serverlog"
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # The path that is to be used for the script
+ PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
+ # The LSB functions must be present.
+ lsbf=/lib/lsb/init-functions
+ test -r "$lsbf" || {
+     echo "$0: not able to read $lsbf: script cannot run" 1>&2
+     exit 5
+   }
+ # Source the functions.
+ . "$lsbf"
+ # All output from the script should be through the LSB msg functions after this.
+ # Define usage string, used in more than one place.
+ usage="Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|try-restart|reload|force-reload|status}"
+ # Check that we have one parameter: action
+ if [ $# -ne 1 ] ; then
+   if [ $# -lt 1 -o "$1" = "" ] ] ; then
+     log_failure_msg "$0: action not specified"
+   else
+     log_failure_msg "$0: too many parameters"
+   fi
+   log_warning_msg "$usage"
+   exit 2
+ fi
+ action="$1"
+ # What to use to manipulate the postmaster.
+ PGCTL="$prefix/bin/pg_ctl"
+ # Only start if we can find pg_ctl.
+ test -x "$PGCTL" || {
+     if [ "$action" = "stop" ] ; then
+       log_warning_msg "$0: executable $PGCTL not found: $action request ignored"
+       exit 0
+     else
+       log_failure_msg "$0: executable $PGCTL not found: $action request failed"
+       exit 5
+     fi
+   }
+ pidfile="$PGDATA/postmaster.pid"
+ servicename=$( basename "$0" )
+ daemon="$prefix/bin/postgres"
+ pg_initd_start () {
+   echo -n "Starting $servicename: "
+   su -c ". '$lsbf' ; start_daemon -p '$pidfile' '$PGCTL' -w -D '$PGDATA' -l '$PGLOG' start" - $PGUSER
+   rc=$?
+ }
+ pg_initd_stop () {
+   pidlist=$( pidofproc -p "$pidfile" "$daemon" )
+   if [ "$pidlist" = "" ] ; then
+     # If this happens, the process went away after the initial check.
+     echo "$servicename: not running"
+     rc=0
+     return
+   fi
+   echo -n "Shutting down $servicename: "
+   su -c ". \"$lsbf\" ; killproc -p '$pidfile' '$daemon' SIGINT" - $PGUSER
+   echo -n 'waiting for server to stop...'
+   rc=1
+   # Try "fast" shutdown for a while.
+   for seconds in $( seq 50 ) ; do
+     echo -n '.'
+     if ! ps -o pid= -p "$pidlist" >/dev/null ; then
+       rc=0
+       break
+     fi
+     sleep 1
+   done
+   # Fast didn't do it; try immediate shutdown.
+   if [ $rc -ne 0 ] ; then
+     su -c ". \"$lsbf\" ; killproc -p '$pidfile' '$daemon' SIGQUIT" - $PGUSER
+     for seconds in $( seq 10 ) ; do
+       echo -n '!'
+       if ! ps -o pid= -p "$pidlist" >/dev/null ; then
+         rc=0
+         break
+       fi
+       sleep 1
+     done
+   fi
+   ! ps -o pid= -p "$pidlist" >/dev/null
+   rc=$?
+   if [ "$rc" -eq 0 ] ; then
+     echo ' done'
+     rm -f "$pidfile"
+   else
+     echo ' failed'
+   fi
+ }
+ pg_initd_reload () {
+   su -c "$PGCTL reload -D '$PGDATA'" - $PGUSER
+   rc=$?
+ }
+ pg_initd_status () {
+   if [ ! -f "$pidfile" ] ; then
+     rc=3
+   else
+     su -c ". \"$lsbf\" ; pidofproc -p '$pidfile' '$daemon'" - $PGUSER 1>/dev/null
+     rc=$?
+     if [ $rc -eq 0 ] ; then
+       su -c ". \"$lsbf\" ; $PGCTL status -D '$PGDATA'" - $PGUSER
+       rc=$?
+       if [ $rc -ne 0 ] ; then
+         # pg_ctl doesn't return LSB conforming values; treat non-success as "unknown"
+         rc=4
+       fi
+     fi
+   fi
+ }
+ pg_initd_exit () {
+   if [ "$action" = "status" ] ; then
+     case $rc in
+       0)
+         log_success_msg "$servicename $action: running"
+         ;;
+       1)
+         log_failure_msg "$servicename $action: dead with existing pid file: $pidfile"
+         ;;
+       3)
+         log_failure_msg "$servicename $action: not running"
+         ;;
+       *)
+         log_failure_msg "$servicename $action: unknown ($rc)"
+         ;;
+     esac
+   else
+     case $rc in
+       0)
+         log_success_msg "$servicename $action: done"
+         ;;
+       1)
+         log_failure_msg "$servicename $action: failed"
+         ;;
+       4)
+         log_failure_msg "$servicename $action: insufficient privilege"
+         ;;
+       7)
+         log_failure_msg "$servicename $action: not running"
+         ;;
+       *)
+         log_failure_msg "$servicename $action: failed ($rc)"
+         ;;
+     esac
+   fi
+   exit $rc
+ }
+ # Actions other than status may use these return codes:
+ #  1 - generic or unspecified error
+ #  2 - invalid or excess argument(s)
+ #  3 - unimplemented feature (for example, "reload")
+ #  4 - user had insufficient privilege
+ #  5 - program is not installed
+ #  6 - program is not configured
+ #  7 - program is not running
+ # Some of these are tested before getting to this case statement.
+ case "$action" in
+   start)
+     # Start the service.
+     # If already running, return success without start attempt.
+     pg_initd_status
+     if [ $rc -eq 0 ] ; then
+       log_warning_msg "$servicename $action: service already running; no action taken"
+       pg_initd_exit
+     fi
+     pg_initd_start
+     pg_initd_exit
+     ;;
+   stop)
+     # Stop the service.
+     # If not running, return success without stop attempt.
+     pg_initd_status
+     if [ $rc -eq 3 ] ; then
+       log_warning_msg "$servicename $action: service not running; no action taken"
+       rc=0
+       pg_initd_exit
+     fi
+     pg_initd_stop
+     pg_initd_exit
+     ;;
+   restart)
+     # Stop and restart the service if the service is already running,
+     # otherwise start the service.
+     pg_initd_status
+     if [ $rc -eq 3 ] ; then
+       log_warning_msg "$servicename $action: service not running; no attempt to stop"
+     else
+       pg_initd_stop
+       if [ $rc -ne 0 ] ; then
+         pg_initd_exit
+       fi
+     fi
+     pg_initd_start
+     pg_initd_exit
+     ;;
+   try-restart)
+     # Restart the service if the service is already running.
+     # If stopped, return success without stop attempt.
+     pg_initd_status
+     if [ $rc -eq 3 ] ; then
+       log_warning_msg "$servicename $action: service not running; no action taken"
+       rc=0
+       pg_initd_exit
+     fi
+     if [ $rc -ne 0 ] ; then
+       pg_initd_exit
+     fi
+     pg_initd_stop
+     if [ $rc -ne 0 ] ; then
+       pg_initd_exit
+     fi
+     pg_initd_start
+     pg_initd_exit
+     ;;
+   reload|force-reload)
+     # Cause the configuration of the service to be reloaded
+     # without actually stopping and restarting the service.
+     # (Since PostgreSQL supports reload, force-reload should use that.)
+     pg_initd_status
+     if [ $rc -eq 3 ] ; then
+       rc=7
+       pg_initd_exit
+     fi
+     pg_initd_reload
+     pg_initd_exit
+     ;;
+   status)
+     # Print the current status of the service.
+     # Return codes differ from other actions:
+     #  0 - program is running or service is OK
+     #  1 - program is dead and /var/run pid file exists
+     #  2 - program is dead and /var/lock lock file exists
+     #  3 - program is not running
+     #  4 - program or service status is unknown
+     pg_initd_status
+     pg_initd_exit
+     ;;
+   *)
+     # If we don't recognize action, consider it an invalid argument.
+     # If the standard adds actions we don't support, exit should be 3 for those.
+     log_failure_msg "$0: action \"$action\" not recognized"
+     log_warning_msg "$usage"
+     exit 2
+     ;;
+ esac
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