PGconn *PQconnectParams(const char **params)

Where "params" is an array with an even number of parameters, forming
key/value pairs. Usage example:

Maybe use the term properties (props for short) or options instead of params? Params is already in heavy use. How about PQconnectProps(...) or PQconnectOptions(...)?

Another idea is to use an array of PQconninfoOption structs:

PQconn *PQconnectParams(PQconninfoOption *params);

this sounds like a good idea, specially if we add new parameters to

Here's another idea, parallel arrays:

PGconn *PQconnectProps(const char **names, const char **values);
PGconn *PQconnectOptions(const char **names, const char **values);

To build on the struct idea, maybe PGprop or PGoption instead of PQconninfoOption. Also, add an argument specifying the number of props/options.

PGconn *PQconnectProps(const PGprop *props, int nProps);
PGconn *PQconnectOptions(const PGoption *options, int nOptions);

any one have a preference here?

I like the struct approach. I personally prefer specifying the element count of an array, rather than using a NULL terminating element.

Andrew Chernow
eSilo, LLC
every bit counts

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