
I looked at EXPLAIN ( and there is not a single line of what you are talking about.
And the current syntax is just EXPLAIN [ ANALYZE ] [ VERBOSE ] /statement
If I try to decrypt what you said, you are looking at something like

COPY /tablename/ [ ( /column/ [, ...] ) ]
   FROM { '/filename/' | STDIN }

That would give something like:
COPY foo FROM 'input.txt' binary=on, oids=on, errors=skip, max_errors=10

If this is not what you are thinking, please provide an example.


Emmanuel Cecchet <> writes:
The new syntax could look like:

COPY /tablename/ [ ( /column/ [, ...] ) ]
    FROM { '/filename/' | STDIN }
    [ [, BINARY ]
      [, OIDS ]
      [, DELIMITER [ AS ] '/delimiter/' ]
      [, NULL [ AS ] '/null string/' ]
      [, CSV [ HEADER ]
[ QUOTE [ AS ] '/quote/' ] [ ESCAPE [ AS ] '/escape/' ]
             [ FORCE NOT NULL (/column/ [, ...]) ]
[, ERRORS { SKIP | LOG INTO { tablename | 'filename' }
                    [ LABEL label_name ]
                    [ KEY key_name ]
                    [ MAX ERRORS /count/ ] } ]

Is this what you had in mind?

No. because that doesn't do a darn thing to make the option set less
hard-wired into the syntax.  I was thinking of a strict keyword/value
format with non-wired-in keywords ... and only *one* keyword per value.

                        regards, tom lane

Emmanuel Cecchet
Aster Data Systems

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