>>>>> "David" == "David E Wheeler" <da...@kineticode.com> writes:

 David> * I ran the following to update the SQL functions in my simple database:

 David>        psql -d try --set hstore_xact='--' -f hstore.sql

 David>    The use of `--set hstore_xact='--' was on Andrew's advice
 David>    via IRC, because otherwise the entire update takes place in
 David>    a single transaction, and thus would fail since I already
 David>    had the old hstore installed. By using this psql variable
 David>    hack to disable the transactions, I was able to install
 David>    over the old hstore.

I'm more than half inclined to take this bit out again. It made sense in the
context of the pgfoundry version, but it doesn't fit in so well for contrib.
(It's a concept I was testing on the pgfoundry version)

However, I would prefer to keep the ability to do this:

psql --set hstore_schema='myschema' -f hstore.sql dbname

The logic to do it is a bit ugly, but editing the file to set what schema to
use is even uglier...

 David> Notes and minor issues:

 David> * `hstore - hstore` resolves before `hstore - text`, meaning
 David> that this failed:

The '-' operator did not previously exist so this isn't a compatibility issue.
BUT the delete(hstore,text) function did previously exist, however it seems to
still be resolved in preference to delete(hstore,hstore) when the second arg
is a bare text literal:

contrib_regression=# explain verbose select delete(('a' => now()::text),'a');
                        QUERY PLAN                         
 Result  (cost=0.00..0.02 rows=1 width=0)
   Output: delete(('a'::text => (now())::text), 'a'::text)
(2 rows)

contrib_regression=# explain verbose select delete(('a' => 
                             QUERY PLAN                             
 Result  (cost=0.00..0.02 rows=1 width=0)
   Output: delete(('a'::text => (now())::text), '"a"=>"1"'::hstore)
(2 rows)

The only open question I can see is what delete(hs,$1) resolves to when $1 is
an unknown-type placeholder; this is probably an incompatibility with the old
version if anyone is relying on that (but I don't see why they would be).

 David> * Maybe it's time to kill off `...@` and `~`, eh? Or could they
 David> generate warnings for a release or something? How are
 David> operators properly deprecated?

 David> * The documentation for `populate_record()` is wrong. It's
 David> still just a cut-and-paste of `delete()`

GAH. I fixed some doc issues (stray &s) but forgot that one. I'll fix it.

 David> * The NOTE about `populate_record()` says that it takes
 David> anyelement instead of record and just throws an error if it's
 David> not a record. I thought that C functions could take record
 David> arguments. Why do the extra work here?

Because "record" doesn't express the fact that the return type of
populate_record is the SAME record type as its parameter type, whereas
anyelement does.

 David> * Your original submission say that the new version offers
 David> btree and hash support, but the docs still mention only GIN
 David> and GIST.

I'll fix that.

 David> * I'd like to see more examples of the new functionality in
 David> the documentation. I'd be happy to contribute them once the
 David> main patch is committed.

Thanks. I'll do some (especially for populate_record, which really needs
them), but more can be added later.

 David> * I think that there should be some exmples in the docs of the
 David> use of the backslash with and without
 David> standard_conforming_strings and with and without E''. That
 David> stuff is confusing enough, it should all be spelled out, IMHO.

ugh. yeah

 David> * The use of the `:hstore_xact` variable hack needs to be
 David> documented,

(or removed, see above)

 David> along with detailed instructions for those upgrading
 David> (in-place) from 8.4. You might consider documenting your
 David> `:hstore_default_schema` variable as well: if I understand
 David> correctly, it's a way to specify a schema on the command-line
 David> without having to edit the file, yes?  Currently, there are no
 David> installation instructions in the documentation.


 David> Comments
 David> ========

 David> * So the main objection to the original patch from the July
 David> CommitFest, that it wasn't backwards compatible, seems to have
 David> been addressed, assuming that the structure currently used in
 David> HEAD is just like what's in 8.4, so in-place upgrade should
 David> work, yes? It apears that you've taken the approach, in
 David> hstore_compat.c, of reading both the old and the new
 David> formats. Does it also upgrade the old formats as it reads
 David> them, or only as they're updated? (I'm assuming the latter.)

Old values are converted to new values in core, but they can't be
changed on-disk unless something actually updates them.

 David> * I'm not qualified to talk about the approach taken to
 David> maintaining compatibility, but would like to know if it
 David> imposes an overhead on the use of the data type, and if so,
 David> how much?

The overhead is possibly non-negligible for reading old values, but
old values can be promoted to new ones fairly simply (e.g. using

 David> * Regarding the bug you found in the old hstore format (mentioned
 David> ), has that been fixed? Is it a regression that should be
 David> back-patched?

That has not been fixed.

 David> * Does there need to be documentation with upgrade instructions for
 David> hstore-new users (the pgFoundry version)? Or will you handle that via
 David> a new pgFoundry release?

There needs to be more documentation before the pgfoundry version gets
a release, yes. I'm still testing some interactions between the three

 David> * In addition to the functions to get all the keys and all the
 David> values as arrays, I'd love a function (or, dare I say, a
 David> cast?) to get all the rows and keys in an array. Something
 David> like this:

 David>        try=# select 'a => 1, b => 2'::hstore::text[];
 David>           array
 David>        -----------
 David>         {a,1,b,2}

 David>    I'd find this especially useful in my Perl applications, as
 David>    then I could easily fetch hstores as arrays and turn them
 David>    into hashes in my Perl code by simply doing `my %h = @{
 David>    $row->{hstore} };`. Of course, the inverse would be useful
 David>    as well:

 David>        try=# select ARRAY[ 'a', '1', 'b', '2']::hstore;
 David>               hstore
 David>        --------------------
 David>         "a"=>"1", "b"=>"2"

 David>    A function would work as well, failing community interest
 David>    in an explicit cast.

I'm not sure I like these as casts but I'm open to opinions. Having them
as functions is certainly doable.

Andrew (irc:RhodiumToad)

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