Lamar Owen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The behavior currently is rather broken according to the results of the 
> discussion on general.  Do we really want a whole 'nother major version cycle
> to pass before this kludge is fixed?  Six months to a year down the road?
> The longer this behavior is in the code, the harder it's going to be to 
> remove it, IMNSHO.

I agree completely with these points, which is why I'd rather have seen
it dealt with (one way or t'other) in 7.2.  But we appear to have a lot
of people who don't think it's been discussed adequately in
$PREFERRED_FORUM ... and the one thing I *really* don't want is to hold
up 7.2 beta anymore for this issue.  Let's stuff this worm back in the
can and get on with it.

                        regards, tom lane

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