Tom Lane escreveu:
> FWIW, the high showing of AllocSetReset in your profile suggests to me
> that you're timing an assert-enabled build, which wouldn't exactly be
> a fair comparison to an Oracle production build anyhow.
Ops... forgot to remove it from other test. It seems much better but far from
the ideal. :( I've never taken a look at the pl/pgsql code but it could be
nice if there would be two path codes: access-data and non-access-data paths.
I have no idea if it will be possible (is path type too complex to detect?)
but it will certainly improve the non-access-data functions.

euler=# select function1();  -- PL/PgSQL
(1 row)

Time: 34455,263 ms
euler=# select function3();  -- PL/Perl
(1 row)

Time: 24986,016 ms

pl/pgsql oprofile is:

samples  %        symbol name
620      14.4961  ExecMakeFunctionResultNoSets
537      12.5555  AllocSetAlloc
484      11.3163  AllocSetReset
323       7.5520  RevalidateCachedPlan
292       6.8272  ExecEvalParam
222       5.1906  pgstat_init_function_usage
218       5.0970  int4pl
199       4.6528  ResourceOwnerForgetPlanCacheRef
196       4.5827  AcquireExecutorLocks
175       4.0917  ResourceOwnerRememberPlanCacheRef
166       3.8812  ReleaseCachedPlan
155       3.6240  pgstat_end_function_usage
143       3.3435  check_stack_depth
136       3.1798  ExecEvalConst
123       2.8758  ResourceOwnerEnlargePlanCacheRefs
100       2.3381  MemoryContextReset
99        2.3147  MemoryContextAlloc
48        1.1223  SPI_pop
41        0.9586  SPI_push

  Euler Taveira de Oliveira

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