On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 1:21 AM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> If the parameter is defined as "the chance that a page is in cache"
>> there is very real physical meaning to it.
> We have no such parameter...

What a simple person like me would think would work is:

- call the parameter "cached_probability".
- Invent a way to store it (I`d actually try to do it the exact same
way recent "alter table set statistics distinct" does it)

a) less radical idea: replace all usage of random_page_cost with
seq_page_cost * cached_probability + random_page_cost *

b) more radical idea:
b1) invent a new GUC: cached_page_cost
b2) replace all usage of seq_page_cost with cached_page_cost *
cached_probability + seq_page_cost * (1-cached_probability)
b3) replace all usage of random_page_cost with   cached_page_cost *
cached_probability + random_page_cost * (1-cached_probability)

> How would you come up with sensible figures for this hypothetical parameter?

select schemaname,relname,heap_blks_hit /
cast(heap_blks_read+heap_blks_hit+1 as float)
 from pg_statio_all_tables

Would be a nice starting point.


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