Boszormenyi Zoltan <> writes:
> INSERT INTO product.t_product_inv
> SELECT word, array_accum_1(price, id) FROM product.t_product_inv0
> GROUP BY word ORDER BY word, price NULLS FIRST, id;

> However, I get an error:

> ERROR:  column "t_product_inv0.price" must appear in the GROUP BY clause
> or be used in an aggregate function
> LINE 3: GROUP BY word ORDER BY word, price NULLS FIRST, id;
>                                      ^

> The condition in the error message  is true, the field "price"
> is indeed used in an aggregate function but ignored on purpose
> in the sfunc. So I obviously didn't expect the error to happen.

It is not complaining about the use in the aggregate.  It is complaining
about the un-aggregated use in ORDER BY.  Notice the error pointer.

                        regards, tom lane

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