
     I'm a senior developer for a small Company working on
modifications to both MySQL and PostgreSQL to support better
usage reporting for DBAs.  The project is called ExtSQL.

     Most of our work was originally done on MySQL and we've
just gotten into PostgreSQL during the last year.  I don't
want to be accused of being a 'suck up' -- but I was impressed
with how well the code is layed out and the design documentation
that was available. Very nice and we hope to keep that up
in our contribution!

     The project web site has a lot of info, but here is a quick
example of what it does:

thebook=#  show statistics * from db history;
   db    |    minutes     | Questions | Connections | Com_delete 
 thebook | 10/26/09 09:45 | 1         | 0           | 0          
 thebook | 10/26/09 09:44 | 8         | 1           | 6          
 thebook | 10/26/09 09:43 | 0         | 1           | 0          

     We now have a basic patch set that works and is basically
stable (not recommended for production servers!).  We've dedicated
a page at our web site and it hopefully has answers to most of
your questions, and also has the patch set for download.  These
are for 7.4.19 - the version included with RHEL 4.

     We certainly welcome your feedback and thoughts on this.
There is still some hard work to be done.  We have an INFORMATION
SCHEMA implementation for MySQL 5.x, but not yet for PostgreSQL.

     Why this?  We were a web hosting Company and were absolutely
maddened that no simple tools existed to tell us who was causing
usage spikes on a DB server shared by multiple users.  We now

     Best regards!
John Murtari                            Software Workshop Inc.                  "software that fits!" (TM)
(315) 944-0999 (x-211)   

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