HACKERS: see the end of this message about a possible optimisation for
ORDER BY+LIMIT cases (the normal use of LIMIT?)

Adam wrote:
> I help run a job database and have a table of search records.  I want
> a query that will return the top 10 jobs by search frequency.  I'm
> familiar with ORDER BY and LIMIT, so I basically need this:
> Given a table search_records:
> job_num
> -------
> 1
> 2
> 2
> 3
> 4
> 4
> 4
> I want a query that will return:
> job_num | count
> --------+------
> 1       |1
> 2       |2
> 3       |1
> 4       |3
> I tried
> select distinct job_num, (select count(*) from search_records j where
> j.job_num=k.job_num) from search_records k
> but it is horribly slow (it takes several minutes on a table of about
> 25k rows!).  I assume it scans the entire table for every job_num in
> order to count the number of occurences of that job_num, taking order
> n^2 time.  Since I can easily use job_num as an index (being integers
> from 0 to roughly 400 so far) I could just do a "select * from
> search_records" and do the counting in PHP (our HTML pre-processor) in
> order n time.  However, I don't know how to do an order n*log(n) sort
> in PHP, just n^2, so there would still be an efficiency problem.
> I have Postgresql 7.0.3.
> Help is of course greatly appreciated.

I have not tried it but how about:-

select job_num from
(select job_num, count(*) as c from search_records group by job_num)
order by c limit 10;

I am not sure if count(*) would work in this context, if not try count()
on some field that is in every record. 

If you can be sure that the top 10 will have at least a certain
threshold of searches (perhaps >1!) then it MIGHT be faster, due to less
data being sorted for the outer selects order by, (experiment) to do:-

select job_num from
(select job_num, count(*) as c from search_records group by job_num
order by c limit 10;

It would depend on how efficient the ORDER BY and LIMIT work together.
(The ORDER BY could build a list of LIMIT n items and just replace items
in that list...a lot more efficient both of memory and comparisons than
building the full list and then keeping the top n)

HACKERS: If it does not do this it might be a usefull optimisation. 
There would probably need to be a cutoff limit on whether to apply this
method or sort and keep n.  Also for LIMIT plus OFFSET it would need to
build a list of the the total of the LIMIT and OFFSET figures.

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