Tom Lane wrote:
"Florian G. Pflug" <> writes:
Tom Lane wrote:
Perhaps it would help if we looked at some specific use-cases
that people need, rather than debating abstractly.  What do you
need your generic trigger to *do*?

I need to build a global index table of all values of a certain
type together with a pointer to the row and table that contains
them. Since all involved tables have an "id" column, storing that
pointer is the easy part. The hard part is collecting all those
values in an insert/update/delete trigger so that I can update the
global index accordingly.

So in this case it seems like you don't actually need any
polymorphism at all; the target columns are always of a known
datatype.  You just don't want to commit to their names.  I wonder
though why you're willing to pin down the name of the "id" column but
not the name of the data column.

There might be more than one (or none at all) columns of the type to be
indexed. I need to process all such columns (each of them produces a
seperate record in the index table). Plus, this schema is relatively
volatile - new fields are added about once a month or so.

Currently, a set of plpgsql functions generate a seperate trigger function for each table. Yuck!

Would you be happy with an approach similar to what Andrew mentioned,
ie, you generate CREATE TRIGGER commands that list the names of the target column(s) as TG_ARGV arguments? The alternative to that seems to be that you iterate at runtime through all the table columns to see which ones are of the desired type. Which might be less trouble to set up, but the performance penalty of figuring out basically-unchanging information again on every single tuple update seems awful high.

Hm.. I had hoped to get away without any need to modify the trigger
definitions if the schema changes. But having a function that does "DROP
TRIGGER; CREATE TRIGGER..." is already a huge improvement over having
one that does "CREATE FUNCTION...".

I've now played around with the
EXECUTE 'select $1.' || quote_ident(fieldname)' USING NEW/OLD
trick, and simply look up the existing field with
SELECT attname
FROM pg_attribute
        attrelid = TG_RELID AND
        atttypeid IN (...) AND
        attname NOT IN ('referenced_by', 'self') AND
        attnum > 0 AND NOT attisdropped
This at least gives me a working proof-of-concept implementation of the

Still, doing that SELECT seems rather silly since NEW and OLD already
contain the required information. So I still believe that having
something like record_name() and record_types() would be useful. And at
least these functions have less of an issue with the type system...

best regards,
Florian Pflug

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