Josh Berkus wrote:
Not everything is sanely convertible into some sort of plugin. A plugin
mechanism for this would be FAR more trouble that it is worth, IMNSHO.

We are massively over-egging this pudding (as a culinary blogger you
should appreciate this analogy).

OK, then let's just accept it.  It's small, has a maintainer, is useful
to some people, and doesn't create any wierd complications.  I think,
given the knowledge that YAML is now a subdialect of JSON it could
potentially be made smaller, but I can't say how at the moment.

Actually, it's the other way, JSON is a subset of YAML.

I was in fact prepared to commit this patch, despite some significant misgivings about its wisdom, mainly because it does have such a low impact. But then other people raised objections. I'm not sure how strong those objections are, though.

I must say that while the YAML output might look a bit nicer than the JSON output, the difference strikes me as mostly marginal. But I guess it's like beauty and obscenity, something in the eye of the beholder. De gustibus non est disputandum.



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