--On 10. Dezember 2009 23:55:49 -0500 Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:

If there's some real-world test where this probe costs 0.3%-0.4%, I
think that is sufficient grounds for rejecting this patch.  I
understand the desire of people to be able to use dtrace, but our
performance is too hard-won for me to want to give any measurable of
it up for tracing and instrumentation hooks that will only be used by
a small number of users in a small number of situations.

I repeated the pgbench runs per Greg's advice (see upthread) and it seems there is actually a small slowdown which supports this argument, unfortunately. After repeating the pgbench runs with and without the new probes (note: i've used the new version of the patch, too), the numbers are going to stabilize as follows:

without compiled probes: AVG(2531.68)
with compiled probes: AVG(2511.97)

I can repeat that tests over and over, but this doesn't seem to change the whole picture (so there seems some real argument for a 0.4 - 0.6% cost, at least on *my* machine here with pgbench).



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