I wrote: > The validator is run for the generic options specified to CREATE/ALTER FDW, > SERVER and USER MAPPING (+ possible future SQL/MED objects). In this case the > catalog is always known. Also we can assume that the catalog is known, if a > user > runs the validator directly. So yes, AFAICS there is no case for the "or > zero". >
Updated patch attached. This now also removes the "or zero" note from the documentation and modifies postgresql_fdw_validator() to assume that a valid catalog oid is always passed. regards, Martin
*** a/doc/src/sgml/ref/create_foreign_data_wrapper.sgml --- b/doc/src/sgml/ref/create_foreign_data_wrapper.sgml *************** *** 74,83 **** CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER <replaceable class="parameter">name</replaceable> take two arguments: one of type <type>text[]</type>, which will contain the array of options as stored in the system catalogs, and one of type <type>oid</type>, which will be the OID of the ! system catalog containing the options, or zero if the context is ! not known. The return type is ignored; the function should ! indicate invalid options using ! the <function>ereport()</function> function. </para> </listitem> </varlistentry> --- 74,82 ---- take two arguments: one of type <type>text[]</type>, which will contain the array of options as stored in the system catalogs, and one of type <type>oid</type>, which will be the OID of the ! system catalog containing the options. The return type is ignored; ! the function should indicate invalid options using the ! <function>ereport()</function> function. </para> </listitem> </varlistentry> *** a/src/backend/commands/foreigncmds.c --- b/src/backend/commands/foreigncmds.c *************** *** 88,94 **** optionListToArray(List *options) * This is used by CREATE/ALTER of FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER/SERVER/USER MAPPING. */ static Datum ! transformGenericOptions(Datum oldOptions, List *options, Oid fdwvalidator) { --- 88,95 ---- * This is used by CREATE/ALTER of FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER/SERVER/USER MAPPING. */ static Datum ! transformGenericOptions(Oid catalogId, ! Datum oldOptions, List *options, Oid fdwvalidator) { *************** *** 162,168 **** transformGenericOptions(Datum oldOptions, result = optionListToArray(resultOptions); if (fdwvalidator) ! OidFunctionCall2(fdwvalidator, result, (Datum) 0); return result; } --- 163,169 ---- result = optionListToArray(resultOptions); if (fdwvalidator) ! OidFunctionCall2(fdwvalidator, result, ObjectIdGetDatum(catalogId)); return result; } *************** *** 384,390 **** CreateForeignDataWrapper(CreateFdwStmt *stmt) nulls[Anum_pg_foreign_data_wrapper_fdwacl - 1] = true; ! fdwoptions = transformGenericOptions(PointerGetDatum(NULL), stmt->options, fdwvalidator); if (PointerIsValid(DatumGetPointer(fdwoptions))) --- 385,393 ---- nulls[Anum_pg_foreign_data_wrapper_fdwacl - 1] = true; ! fdwoptions = transformGenericOptions(ForeignDataWrapperRelationId, ! PointerGetDatum(NULL), ! stmt->options, fdwvalidator); if (PointerIsValid(DatumGetPointer(fdwoptions))) *************** *** 501,507 **** AlterForeignDataWrapper(AlterFdwStmt *stmt) datum = PointerGetDatum(NULL); /* Transform the options */ ! datum = transformGenericOptions(datum, stmt->options, fdwvalidator); if (PointerIsValid(DatumGetPointer(datum))) repl_val[Anum_pg_foreign_data_wrapper_fdwoptions - 1] = datum; --- 504,513 ---- datum = PointerGetDatum(NULL); /* Transform the options */ ! datum = transformGenericOptions(ForeignDataWrapperRelationId, ! datum, ! stmt->options, ! fdwvalidator); if (PointerIsValid(DatumGetPointer(datum))) repl_val[Anum_pg_foreign_data_wrapper_fdwoptions - 1] = datum; *************** *** 667,673 **** CreateForeignServer(CreateForeignServerStmt *stmt) nulls[Anum_pg_foreign_server_srvacl - 1] = true; /* Add server options */ ! srvoptions = transformGenericOptions(PointerGetDatum(NULL), stmt->options, fdw->fdwvalidator); if (PointerIsValid(DatumGetPointer(srvoptions))) --- 673,681 ---- nulls[Anum_pg_foreign_server_srvacl - 1] = true; /* Add server options */ ! srvoptions = transformGenericOptions(ForeignServerRelationId, ! PointerGetDatum(NULL), ! stmt->options, fdw->fdwvalidator); if (PointerIsValid(DatumGetPointer(srvoptions))) *************** *** 765,771 **** AlterForeignServer(AlterForeignServerStmt *stmt) datum = PointerGetDatum(NULL); /* Prepare the options array */ ! datum = transformGenericOptions(datum, stmt->options, fdw->fdwvalidator); if (PointerIsValid(DatumGetPointer(datum))) --- 773,781 ---- datum = PointerGetDatum(NULL); /* Prepare the options array */ ! datum = transformGenericOptions(ForeignServerRelationId, ! datum, ! stmt->options, fdw->fdwvalidator); if (PointerIsValid(DatumGetPointer(datum))) *************** *** 936,942 **** CreateUserMapping(CreateUserMappingStmt *stmt) values[Anum_pg_user_mapping_umserver - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(srv->serverid); /* Add user options */ ! useoptions = transformGenericOptions(PointerGetDatum(NULL), stmt->options, fdw->fdwvalidator); if (PointerIsValid(DatumGetPointer(useoptions))) --- 946,954 ---- values[Anum_pg_user_mapping_umserver - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(srv->serverid); /* Add user options */ ! useoptions = transformGenericOptions(UserMappingRelationId, ! PointerGetDatum(NULL), ! stmt->options, fdw->fdwvalidator); if (PointerIsValid(DatumGetPointer(useoptions))) *************** *** 1031,1037 **** AlterUserMapping(AlterUserMappingStmt *stmt) datum = PointerGetDatum(NULL); /* Prepare the options array */ ! datum = transformGenericOptions(datum, stmt->options, fdw->fdwvalidator); if (PointerIsValid(DatumGetPointer(datum))) --- 1043,1051 ---- datum = PointerGetDatum(NULL); /* Prepare the options array */ ! datum = transformGenericOptions(UserMappingRelationId, ! datum, ! stmt->options, fdw->fdwvalidator); if (PointerIsValid(DatumGetPointer(datum))) *** a/src/backend/foreign/foreign.c --- b/src/backend/foreign/foreign.c *************** *** 372,378 **** is_conninfo_option(const char *option, Oid context) struct ConnectionOption *opt; for (opt = libpq_conninfo_options; opt->optname; opt++) ! if ((context == opt->optcontext || context == InvalidOid) && strcmp(opt->optname, option) == 0) return true; return false; } --- 372,378 ---- struct ConnectionOption *opt; for (opt = libpq_conninfo_options; opt->optname; opt++) ! if (context == opt->optcontext && strcmp(opt->optname, option) == 0) return true; return false; } *************** *** 409,415 **** postgresql_fdw_validator(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) */ initStringInfo(&buf); for (opt = libpq_conninfo_options; opt->optname; opt++) ! if (catalog == InvalidOid || catalog == opt->optcontext) appendStringInfo(&buf, "%s%s", (buf.len > 0) ? ", " : "", opt->optname); --- 409,415 ---- */ initStringInfo(&buf); for (opt = libpq_conninfo_options; opt->optname; opt++) ! if (catalog == opt->optcontext) appendStringInfo(&buf, "%s%s", (buf.len > 0) ? ", " : "", opt->optname); *** a/src/test/regress/expected/foreign_data.out --- b/src/test/regress/expected/foreign_data.out *************** *** 284,290 **** CREATE SERVER s6 VERSION '16.0' FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo OPTIONS (host 'a', dbna CREATE SERVER s7 TYPE 'oracle' VERSION '17.0' FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo OPTIONS (host 'a', dbname 'b'); CREATE SERVER s8 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgresql OPTIONS (foo '1'); -- ERROR ERROR: invalid option "foo" ! HINT: Valid options in this context are: authtype, service, user, password, connect_timeout, dbname, host, hostaddr, port, tty, options, requiressl, sslmode, gsslib CREATE SERVER s8 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgresql OPTIONS (host 'localhost', dbname 's8db'); \des+ List of foreign servers --- 284,290 ---- CREATE SERVER s7 TYPE 'oracle' VERSION '17.0' FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo OPTIONS (host 'a', dbname 'b'); CREATE SERVER s8 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgresql OPTIONS (foo '1'); -- ERROR ERROR: invalid option "foo" ! HINT: Valid options in this context are: authtype, service, connect_timeout, dbname, host, hostaddr, port, tty, options, requiressl, sslmode, gsslib CREATE SERVER s8 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgresql OPTIONS (host 'localhost', dbname 's8db'); \des+ List of foreign servers *************** *** 395,401 **** ERROR: permission denied for foreign-data wrapper foo RESET ROLE; ALTER SERVER s8 OPTIONS (foo '1'); -- ERROR option validation ERROR: invalid option "foo" ! HINT: Valid options in this context are: authtype, service, user, password, connect_timeout, dbname, host, hostaddr, port, tty, options, requiressl, sslmode, gsslib ALTER SERVER s8 OPTIONS (connect_timeout '30', SET dbname 'db1', DROP host); SET ROLE regress_test_role; ALTER SERVER s1 OWNER TO regress_test_indirect; -- ERROR --- 395,401 ---- RESET ROLE; ALTER SERVER s8 OPTIONS (foo '1'); -- ERROR option validation ERROR: invalid option "foo" ! HINT: Valid options in this context are: authtype, service, connect_timeout, dbname, host, hostaddr, port, tty, options, requiressl, sslmode, gsslib ALTER SERVER s8 OPTIONS (connect_timeout '30', SET dbname 'db1', DROP host); SET ROLE regress_test_role; ALTER SERVER s1 OWNER TO regress_test_indirect; -- ERROR *************** *** 534,540 **** ERROR: user mapping "foreign_data_user" already exists for server s4 CREATE USER MAPPING FOR public SERVER s4 OPTIONS (mapping 'is public'); CREATE USER MAPPING FOR user SERVER s8 OPTIONS (username 'test', password 'secret'); -- ERROR ERROR: invalid option "username" ! HINT: Valid options in this context are: authtype, service, user, password, connect_timeout, dbname, host, hostaddr, port, tty, options, requiressl, sslmode, gsslib CREATE USER MAPPING FOR user SERVER s8 OPTIONS (user 'test', password 'secret'); ALTER SERVER s5 OWNER TO regress_test_role; ALTER SERVER s6 OWNER TO regress_test_indirect; --- 534,540 ---- CREATE USER MAPPING FOR public SERVER s4 OPTIONS (mapping 'is public'); CREATE USER MAPPING FOR user SERVER s8 OPTIONS (username 'test', password 'secret'); -- ERROR ERROR: invalid option "username" ! HINT: Valid options in this context are: user, password CREATE USER MAPPING FOR user SERVER s8 OPTIONS (user 'test', password 'secret'); ALTER SERVER s5 OWNER TO regress_test_role; ALTER SERVER s6 OWNER TO regress_test_indirect; *************** *** 573,579 **** ALTER USER MAPPING FOR public SERVER s5 OPTIONS (gotcha 'true'); -- E ERROR: user mapping "public" does not exist for the server ALTER USER MAPPING FOR current_user SERVER s8 OPTIONS (username 'test'); -- ERROR ERROR: invalid option "username" ! HINT: Valid options in this context are: authtype, service, user, password, connect_timeout, dbname, host, hostaddr, port, tty, options, requiressl, sslmode, gsslib ALTER USER MAPPING FOR current_user SERVER s8 OPTIONS (DROP user, SET password 'public'); SET ROLE regress_test_role; ALTER USER MAPPING FOR current_user SERVER s5 OPTIONS (ADD modified '1'); --- 573,579 ---- ERROR: user mapping "public" does not exist for the server ALTER USER MAPPING FOR current_user SERVER s8 OPTIONS (username 'test'); -- ERROR ERROR: invalid option "username" ! HINT: Valid options in this context are: user, password ALTER USER MAPPING FOR current_user SERVER s8 OPTIONS (DROP user, SET password 'public'); SET ROLE regress_test_role; ALTER USER MAPPING FOR current_user SERVER s5 OPTIONS (ADD modified '1');
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