
I've been playing with using a Simulated Annealing-type algorithm for
determinig join ordering for relations. To get into context see
(there's also a TODO in the wiki). There's a nice paper on that  in
(also linked from that thread) and someone even wrote a patch:

This generally aims at being able to replace GEQO.

I have some rough prototype code, but I'm not even asking people to look
at it. It's stuffed with silly things and writes three Graphviz-style
.dot files in /tmp for each algorithm step. But I'd like to at least
present the idea.

There are three main problems that have to be solved to get a good
Simulated Annealing implementation:
 o) choosing the starting point for the algorithm
 o) generating the next point
 o) computing the cost in the current point

The code I have now creates the initial plan by doing something similar
to what gimme_tree does in GEQO, but without any kind of heuristic to
try to favour joins with join restrictions (the idea is that it doesn't
matter, since we only want to get *any* plan and we only do it once),
but ideally it would be somehow chosen randonly from the space of all
possible join orderings.

I keep a binary tree of relations in memory, where leaves are
RelOptInfos with 1 relid and the root is a RelOptInfo with all relids.
Each iteration of the algorithm picks two nodes at random (with some
restrictions, but that's not important) and tries to swap them around,
meaning that a tree like (use a monospace font for best results):

           (1 2 3 4)
      *(1 2)        (3 4)
      (1) (2)     *(3) (4)

where the parenthesised things are the two chosen nodes would get
transformed into

           (1 2 3 4)
         (3)      (1 2 4)
               (1 2)    (4)
              (1) (2)

that is, the (1 2) node and its subtree gets swapped with the (3) node
and the upper-level nodes get changed accordingly. Sometimes a swap like
that will produce an invalid join ordering - then swap is then reverted.
If the join order given by the tree after the swap is legal, the paths
are recomputed, much like in geqo_eval, and if the root node's cheapest
path is not cheaper that before the swap, the swap gets reverted.
Simulated Annealing algorithms permit uphill moves in terms of cost,
with some probability that's decreasing as time passes, but that's not
implemented yet. After a fixed amount of moves, the algorithm stops and
returns the root node of the tree as the single RelOptInfo.

The issues with the approach are:

 o) the initial state is not really a random plan, it's usualy a
left-deep tree (and is very inefficient) and this might skew results.

 o) is swapping random nodes like that a good way of exploring the
solution space? The SA paper suggests something much simpler, but some
of the moves proposed there don't really make sense when using the
make_join_rel machinery:
   *) changing the inner and outer relation of a join doesn't make
sense, because make_join_rel is symmetrical
   *) changing the join executing strategy (nested loop, merge join,
etc.) doesn't make sense, because make_join_rel considers all possible
paths for a join

 o) each swap needs a full recalcualtion of the whole solution
(geqo_eval does that, for instance), maybe it's possible to leave the
subtrees of swapped nodes intact and only recalculate the nodes above
the two swapped nodes?

 o) because make_join_rel scribbles on the PlannerInfo, the same hack as
in geqo_eval is necessary: truncating join_rel_list after building all
joinrels and nulling out the join_rel_hash

 o) I use make_join_rel to determine whether a join is legal, which does
lots of other things. That looks like wasted effort, although in the end
each time I need to build the final rel to assess the resulting path's
cost. To follow the SA algorithm spirit more closely it would be
necessary to only consider one, random path for each relation and make
using different paths a move that the algorithm can choose while
exploring the solution space. A cheaper way of determining the current
solution's cost would be nice, too - fully rebuilding the final
RelOptInfo after each move is annoying.

Lastly, I'm lacking good testcases or even a testing approach: I'm
generating silly queries and looking at how they get optimised, but if
someone has a real dataset and examples of joins that cannot be planned
with the standard planner, I would be interested to compare the results
my prototype gets with those produced by GEQO.

The code, a module that you can LOAD into a backend, is here (if you
really want to see it):
Set the saio GUC to true and saio_cutoff to the number of iterations you


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