On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 5:57 PM, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am very fuzzy on where we stand with this patch.  There's a link to
> the initial version on the commitfest application, but there has been
> so much discussion since then that I think there are probably some
> revisions to be made, though I can't say I know exactly what they are.
> I did also check the git branch, but it does not merge cleanly with the 
> master.
> Is there a more recent version?  Is this still under development?  Or
> have we decided to go a different direction with it?

I think we've decided to go in a different direction for
implementation, and my last communication was to suggest a mechanism
that would allow for something more clean using the copy options
refactoring.  I wouldn't even attempt to merge it unless there's big
outcry for the feature as-is, which I doubt there is.  But perhaps
it's worthy TODO fodder.

The mechanics in the email you replied to probably need more feedback to act.


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