2009/12/30 Hiroshi Inoue <in...@tpf.co.jp>:
> Hi,
> I try to build msvc version of postgres using the current cvs and
>  get the following error.
>  Unable to determine vcbuild version from first line of output! at
>  src/tools/msvc/Solution.pm line 70.
> The error comes from the following output of vcbuild /? in my
>  environment.
>  Microsoft(R) Visual C++ Project Builder - コマンド ライン バージョン 8.00.50727
> The "Command Line Version" part is localized.
> In addtion there's no space between "Mircrosoft" and "(R)".

How typical of Microsoft to localize different strings in different languages :S

Since this is not the first time we've run into issues specifically
with the Japanese version of Windows, perhaps we should try to get a
japanese buildfarm member running?

Is this something you could help with? Or somebody else from our
Japanese community?

> The attahced patch fixes the error in my environment.

Applied, thanks.

 Magnus Hagander
 Me: http://www.hagander.net/
 Work: http://www.redpill-linpro.com/

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