On Jan 6, 2010, at 1:52 PM, Kevin Grittner wrote:

>> Last I heard, Andrew was willing to require Test::More for
>> testing, so that a Perl script could handle multiple psql
>> connections (perhaps forked) and output test results based on
>> them. But he wasn't as interested in requiring DBI and DBD::Pg,
>> neither of which are in the Perl core and are more of a PITA to
>> install (not huge, but the barrier might as well stay low).
> OK, I've gotten familiar with Perl as a programming language and
> tinkered with Test::More.  What's not clear to me yet is what would
> be considered good technique for launching several psql sessions
> from that environment, interleaving commands to each of them, and
> checking results from each of them as the test plan progresses.  Any
> code snippets or URLs to help me understand that are welcome.  (It
> seems clear enough with DBI, but I'm trying to avoid that per the
> above.)

Probably the simplest way is to use the core IPC::Open3 module:


IPC::Run might be easier to use if it's available, but it's not  in Perl core, 
so YMMV. Really it's up to andrew what modules he requires test servers to have.


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