> I've been looking for documents and other info on replication efforts in
> PostgreSQL. If anyone here can point me to places where I can find
> these, it would be really appreciated.

It really depends on your replication needs.  I would suggest taking a
look at gborg.postgresql.org for any of the replication projects there.
There are some that work,  some that don't and some that are still in the

> Also, if any of you have any comments and warnings about current
> implementations (if there are any) I'd like to hear those too.

Also in the works is adding the ability to postgresql native to do
replication.  That is,  however,  at least as far away as the next version
(7.3,  ~6-8 months).

- Brandon

 c: 646-456-5455                                            h: 201-798-4983
 b. palmer,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]           pgp:crimelabs.net/bpalmer.pgp5

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