Markus Wanner <> wrote:
> Go try it, read the code and simply ask, if you get stuck. I'll
> try to come up with some more documentation and such...
I'm a little unclear about the differences between "uses",
"depends", and "onlyAfter".  Here's what they *sound* like they
mean, to me; although I don't think the code isn't entirely
consistent with this interpretation.
"uses" means that the referenced task has complimentary setUp and
tearDown methods, and the dependent task may only run after a
successful invocation of the referenced task's setUp method, and the
referenced task will wait for completion of all dependent tasks
before invoking tearDown.
"depends" means that the tearDown method of the referenced task
doesn't undo the work of its setUp, at least for purposes of the
dependent task.  The dependent task can only start after successful
completion of the referenced class's work (*just* setUp, or all the
way to tearDown?), but the referenced task doesn't need to wait for
the dependent task.
"onlyAfter" means that the dependent task must wait for completion
of the referenced task, but doesn't care whether or not the
referenced class completed successfully.
How close am I?

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