Tom Lane <> wrote:
> It might be better to try a test case with lighter-weight objects,
> say 5 million simple functions.
A dump of that quickly settled into running a series of these:
SELECT proretset, prosrc, probin,
pg_catalog.pg_get_function_arguments(oid) AS funcargs,
ction_identity_arguments(oid) AS funciargs,
pg_catalog.pg_get_function_result(oid) AS funcresult, proiswindow,
provolatile, proisstrict, prosecdef, proconfig, procost, prorows, (S
ELECT lanname FROM pg_catalog.pg_language WHERE oid = prolang) AS
lanname FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE oid =
(with different oid values, of course).
Is this before or after the point you were worried about.  Anything
in particular for which I should be alert?

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