Alex Hunsaker <> wrote:
> After skimming the thread Bruce linked:
> It certainly seems "insufficiently-thought-out".  :(
Just as a clarification, while the GUC was *added* in 8.1, it was
read-only with a value of 'off'.  I submitted a patch and started
using it under 8.1 in February of 2006 (because we had an urgent
need), and it officially became *settable* in 8.2.
I don't have strong feelings about changing the default.  Obviously,
this bites people primarily when converting to PostgreSQL -- that's
when it bit me and that's where people normally are when they post
to the lists about related issues.
It's not clear to me that the issues related to functions have been
thought out sufficiently; my personal feeling is that a function
should run with the setting under which it was created (as the
semantics of the literal seem as though they should be "frozen" at
that point), but that was shot down.  And then there's the issue
about EXECUTE.  If we don't have consensus on a solution to those
issues, maybe we should wait.  Those who need it who are already
using PostgreSQL already have it figured out -- it's just a bump on
the road to converting for those used to standard literals.

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