Adam Haberlach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> MySQL is doing some things right.  They are providing useful
> documentation.  They are adding features that target the web market
> (they may be adding them incorrectly, however).  If we expect
> PostgreSQL to beat MySQL in anything but "My database is
> transactionally secure" and "We have a GECO optimizer" pissing wars,
> we'll need to start becoming a little more competitive in the raw
> speed arena.  I feel that this optimization, while it may not be
> trivial, is fairly low-hanging fruit that can help.  I may even try
> to implement it, but I make no guarantees.

Looks like the onus is on you and mlw to come up with a design for the
query cache mechanism, based on knowledge of PG internals, that
intelligently addresses ACID and MVCC issues, and propose it.  I think
the core developers would certainly be willing to look at such a
design proposal.  Then, if they like it, you get to implement it.  ;)

In other words, and I say this in the nicest possible way, talk is

Doug McNaught       Wireboard Industries

      Custom software development, systems and network consulting.
      Java PostgreSQL Enhydra Python Zope Perl Apache Linux BSD...

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