
We have a huge system based on PostgreSQL with xml2 functions. From the 
PostgreSQL 8.4 documentation F.38.1. Deprecation notice, it looks like those 
functions are removed. However, our solution is very huge, and heavily depends 
on them. 

1. Could you please give me some instructions to get them back in the 
PostgreSQL 8.4? 

2. Could you please also give me some details if we can find similar functions 
we can use to replace them in PostgreSQL 8.4?

Thank you in advance.


PS. Attached copied from PostgreSQL 8.4 documentation:

F.38. xml2

The xml2 module provides XPath querying and XSLT functionality. 

F.38.1. Deprecation notice

>From PostgreSQL 8.3 on, there is XML-related functionality based on the 
>SQL/XML standard in the core server. That functionality covers XML syntax 
>checking and XPath queries, which is what this module does, and more, but the 
>API is not at all compatible. It is planned that this module will be removed 
>in PostgreSQL 8.4 in favor of the newer standard API, so you are encouraged to 
>try converting your applications. If you find that some of the functionality 
>of this module is not available in an adequate form with the newer API, please 
>explain your issue to pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org so that the deficiency can 
>be addressed.

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