Dale Anderson wrote:
> Hello Group,
>    I need your help, in putting together a list of comparisons, and good solid 
>technical reasons, to why to use PostgreSQL over using Microsoft SQL Server.  Right 
>now, we are using PostgreSQL for a back-end for some of our web stuff.  A couple of 
>our developers, which are Microsoft VB developers, are complaining about not being 
>able to use proprietary MS stuff with PostgreSQL.  I have told them to use standard 
>SQL92 compliant programming techniques, and all will work just fine.  They just don't 
>seem to understand why a person wouldn't use SQL Server.  If I could put together a 
>list of good solid technical arguments, (Performance, Support, Reliability, ETC.), as 
>to why PostgreSQL is better, I think I can make a good case in keeping PostreSQL.  I 
>just don't have any SQL Server experience to compare with.  If any of you, who have 
>SQL Server experience could send me good technical comparisons of SQL Server vs 
>PostgreSQL, I would greatly appreciate it.

I have worked with MSSQL, Oracle, Sybase, MySQL, and PostgreSQL, I totally
understand what you are going through.

MSSQL has a huge advantage in the Windows environment in that the whole
environment is controlled by the vendor that sells one of the SQL technologies.
This is not to be under estimated. Microsoft has a way of making it difficult
for non-micrsoft technologies. That being said, I can come up with a few
reasons to use PostgreSQL over MSSQL.

I worked on a DICOM system, which used a web server and a database, a number of
years ago. The cost of Windows NT and SQL licenses was about $8000. By rewiring
the project using PostgreSQL and Apache, we were able to sell the system for
slightly less, but make more money.

Preservation of development work:
My biggest concern with using ANY Microsoft product is the routine changes that
occur in the core APIs. Once you are on the Microsoft treadmill, it is very
difficult to get off. Every release there is some subtle change that will break

Say what you will, and believe what you want. MS Windows NT/2K/XP are not
production ready operating systems. There are serious issues with uptime and
performance. PostgreSQL running on Linux or FreeBSD will be more reliable than
anything running on any version of Windows.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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