The only sane things to check out apart from HEAD are normally the STABLE branches. For release m.n those are always called RELm_n_STABLE. You can also get the tag set for a specific release. Those are called RELm_n_o for m.n.o releases.

If you look at the output for "cvs log" you can see near the top a list of tag sets under the heading "symbolic names".


M Z wrote:
For example, how can I list all the branches for postgresql 8.3 (and 8.4)? Now I can checkout code using: cvs -z3 -d co -P pgsql

But I don't know when version it is, and I want get code from some postgresql 8.3 and 8.4 branches but I don't know the their cvsroot


On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 11:04 PM, M Z < <>> wrote:

    Hi Andrew,

    Could you please give a little more detail how I can find
    different CVS branches?

    M Z

    On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 10:38 PM, Andrew Dunstan
    < <>> wrote:

        M Z wrote:


            I am trying to checkout code from different branches (such
            as 8.3, 8.4).

            I found a few ways to checkout code from CVS:
            1. webCVS:

            2. cvs -z3 -d
            co -P pgsql

            3. $ rsync --progress -avzCH --delete

            However, how can I checkout code from different branches
            (such as 8.3, 8.4)?

        CVS is documented here, among other places:

        To check out a particular branch such as REL8_4_STABLE, use
        the -r option on the checkout command:

          cvs checkout -r branchname



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