On Wed, 2010-02-10 at 23:13 -0500, Greg Smith wrote:
> Until then, working apps have to 
> be the primary motivation for what to work on here, unless there's a 
> really terrible problem with the driver.  The existing psycopg license 
> and the web site issues were in combination enough to reach that level 
> of total issues for a number of people.  With the news from Federico 
> that a license improvement is approaching and signs of major 
> documentation improvements, that problem seems like it will soon be 
> solved as far as I'm concerned.  When someone manages to make their 
> alternative driver a prerequisite for an app I need, only at that point 
> will that driver show back up on my radar.

Keep in mind that backwards compatibility is not the only issue here;
forwards compatibility matters as well*. A lot of the encoding issues I
wrote up ( http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Driver_development ) will
probably be real bugs in a python3 application using a driver that
doesn't understand encoding properly.

Obviously this is less urgent than having a driver that works now, but
it's still important. I think we would attract some goodwill from the
python community if we were helping them move to python3, rather than
sitting around waiting 'til they've already moved and decided that they
can't use postgresql.

        Jeff Davis

* I tried installing psycopg2-2.0.13 and the build system apparently
doesn't support python3.1, so I assume that psycopg2 doesn't support
python3 at all.

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