Tom Lane <> writes:
> This seems like a solution in search of a problem to me.  The most
> salient aspect of such processes is that they would necessarily run
> as the postgres user

I happen to run my PGQ tickers and londiste daemons as "londiste" user
and make it a superuser (at least while installing, as they need to
install some PL/C stuff). Then there's pgbouncer too, which I always run
as postgres system user, if only to be able to open a socket in the same
directory where postgres opens them (/var/run/postgresql on my system).

The precedent are archive and restore command. They do run as postgres
user too, don't they? I think we could have made walreceiver and
walsender some generic out-of-core facilities too, within this model.

The other common use case is to schedule maintenance (vacuum, cluster
some table, maintain a materialized view, backup), all of which can be
run as postgres user too, only adaptation could be to have a security
definer function.

So, out of the only scheduler use case, if you want to see some C code
that I'd like to be able to run as a postmaster's child, have a look at
pgqd, the next skytools version ticker daemon, here:

You'll see mainly a C daemon which connects to some database and calls
stored procedures there. There could be separate schedules in fact, the
main loop for ticking the snapshots, another one for managing the retry
event queue, and yet another one for managing the maintenance

What I think I'd like to have is a user process supervisor as a
postmaster child, its job would be to start and stop the user processes
at the right time frames, and notice their death. A restart policy
should be attached to each child, which is either permanent, transient
or temporary. To avoid infinitely restarting a process, the supervisor
has 2 GUCs, supervisor_max_restarts in supervisor_max_time. Being unable
to manage a "user" permanent child process (worker) would trigger a
postmaster stop.

All of this is heavily inspired by the Erlang approach, which I've found
simple and effective:

The supervised processes will have to offer a main entry point, which
will get called once the supervisor has forked, in the child process,
and must be prepared to receive SIGHUP, SIGINT and SIGTERM signals.

The setup will get done with the existing custom_variable_classes, and
more generally I guess we're reusing the PGXS and custom .so
infrastructure (shared_preload_libraries).

The main good reason to have this is to allow extension authors to
develop autonomous daemon in a portable way, benefiting from all those
efforts PostgreSQL made to have a fork() model available on windows et

I guess we need a way to start the same supervised daemon extension code
more than once too, for example several pgbouncer setups on different
ports in different pooling modes.

> I still haven't seen a good reason for not using cron or Task Scheduler
> or other standard tools.

We're past the scheduler alone. You won't turn archive_command,
restore_command, walsender, walreceiver, pgbouncer or PGQ as a cron job,
but you could have them managed by the postmaster, as plugins.

Your good reason would be less code to keep an eye on :)

Back to the scheduling, you can backup the maintenance schedule with the
database itself. If all they do is call some function, which in my case
the only exception is pg_dump, then you don't need to re-validate then
when you upgrade your OS, or migrate from CentOS to debian or from
developer station running windows to production server running some Unix

Once more, nothing you couldn't implement already. Maybe PostgreSQL is
growing fast enough that now is the time to look at how to enable non
core things to be easily shipped with the core product?

Do we need a PostgreSQL distribution? I know David Wheeler's opinion on
that, and think PGAN + pg_restore friendly extensions + supervised
helper daemons will be huge enablers.


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