On Sat, 27 Feb 2010, Alvaro Herrera wrote:

Hi.  We're out of town right now, and it seems I can't get to my home
machine (probably just a loose cable).  Our building was shaken badly
enough that we'll have a lot of work to do to make it usable again.

Our earthquake was 8.3 or 8.8 depending on who you ask, and whatever it
really was, it was strong enough to tear down a bunch of buildings.  Not on
my zone though, fortunately for us.  I have several friends on the worst
area though :-(

Glad to hear you were in a safer zone .. something I've never had to weather so far in my life, and would rather keep it that way ;(

Re: the more frequent earthquakes, yeah I was thinking the same today.  An actual scientific study would be more useful than idle speculation though ...

One comment that one guy at work had about this was along the lines of aftershocks, where there is a ripple effect that radiates out from a big one affecting seemingly unrelated areas ... not sure how much I subscribe to that theory, as one would think that the 'aftershocks' would be less intense then the original, and, so far, 8.3/8.8 sounds *alot* higher then anything I've heard of recently ...

My thoughts and prays go out to you and your family ...

Marc G. Fournier                        Hub.Org Hosting Solutions S.A.
scra...@hub.org                                     http://www.hub.org

Yahoo:yscrappy    Skype: hub.org    ICQ:7615664    MSN:scra...@hub.org

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