On 13.03.10 18:38 , Tom Lane wrote:
I wrote:
... Maybe it would work to devise a notation that allows fetching
or storing a field that has a runtime-determined name, but
prespecifies the field type. Actually only the "fetch" end of it is
an issue, since when storing the field datatype can be inferred
from the expression you're trying to assign to the field.

[ after more thought ]

I wonder if it could work to treat the result of a
"record->fieldname" operator as being of UNKNOWN type initially, and
resolve its actual type in the parser in the same way we do for
undecorated literals and parameters, to wit * you can explicitly cast
it, viz (record->fieldname)::bigint * you can let it be inferred from
context, such as the type of whatever it's compared to * throw error
if type is not inferrable Then at runtime, if the actual type of the
field turns out to not be what the parser inferred, either throw
error or attempt a run-time type coercion.  Throwing error seems
safer, because it would avoid surprises of both semantic (unexpected
behavior) and performance (expensive conversion you weren't expecting
to happen) varieties. But possibly an automatic coercion would be
useful enough to justify those risks.

This is more or less what I've done in my pg_record_inspect module, only
without parser or executor changes (it works with 8.4). The code can be
found on http://github.com/fgp/pg_record_inspect.

The module contains the function

fieldvalue(RECORD, field NAME, defval ANYELEMENT, coerce BOOLEAN)

which returns the field named <field> from the record. The expected
field type is specified by providing a default value in <defval> of the
expected type. Since that argument's type is ANYELEMENT, just like the
return type, the type system copes perfectly with the varying return
type. You can choose whether to auto-coerce the field's value if it has
a type other than <defval>'s type or whether to raise an error.

So in essence I'm using the ANYELEMENT trick to get a poor man's version
of your idea that doesn't require core changes.

My post about this module got zero responses though...

best regards,
Florian Pflug

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