On Wed, 2002-03-27 at 19:26, Tom Lane wrote:
> Peter Eisentraut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > [ good stuff snipped ]
> > ... Also, it prevents accidentally changing the locale when you
> > (or someone else) fiddle with your environment variables.
> If I follow this correctly, the behavior would be that PG would not pay
> attention to *any* LC_xxx environment variables?  Although I agree with
> that principle in the abstract, it bothers me that PG will be out of
> step with every single other locale-using program in the Unix world.

IIRC oracle uses NLS_LANG and not any LC_* (even on unix ;)

it is set to smth like NLS_LANG=ESTONIAN_ESTONIA.WE8ISO8859P15

> We ought to think twice about whether that's really a good idea.
> > Note that you get the same kind of command line options as in initdb:
> > --lc-numeric, --locale, etc.  You can also run SHOW lc_numeric to see
> > what's going on.
> Probably you thought of this already: please also support SHOW for the
> initdb-time variables (lc_collate, etc), so that one can find out the
> active locale settings without having to resort to
> contrib/pg_controldata.


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