Rod Taylor wrote:
> There was no deadlock in 7.2 with what was provided -- but the second
> transaction was blocked from doing it's thing by the lock from the
> first.  Perhaps a deadlock is caused by 'do other stuff'?
> I will agree that a FOR UPDATE is heavy.  There is no intention to
> update the record, we just want to ensure it's NOT updated or deleted.
> A FOR PREVENT UPDATE lock may be preferable and it should block any
> other locks while allowing the lock to be 'upgraded' in the case where
> you hold the only PREVENT UPDATE lock.  It wouldn't be exclusive to
> itself, only other types of locks.
> All that said, SET CONSTRAINTS ALL DEFERRED at the beginning of the
> transaction also caused a block on the update with the second
> transaction.  That interests me.  Why doesn't the second transaction
> go through and block the first from using COMMIT?

    constraints  to  DEFERRED.   Constraints   default   to   NOT
    DEFERRABLE,  so  unless  you  explicitly  allowed it at table
    creation, you did a noop.


> --
> Rod Taylor
> This message represents the official view of the voices in my head
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mario Weilguni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Postgresql Mailinglist (E-Mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 9:44 AM
> Subject: [HACKERS] deadlock problems with foreign keys
> I've a severe problem with deadlocks in postgres, when using
> referential integrity it's quite easy to trigger deadlocks. I think
> the may be a bug in ri_trigger.c (discussed later). Here's some short
> example:
> create table languages (
>   id        integer not null,
>   name      text    not null,
>   primary key(id)
> );
> create table entry (
>   id        integer not null,
>   lang_id   integer,
>   sometext  text,
>   primary key (id),
>   foreign key ( lang_id ) references languages (id)
> );
> insert into languages values (1, 'english');
> insert into languages values (2, 'german');
> insert into entry values (1, 1, 'text 1');
> insert into entry values (2, 1, 'text 2');
> transaction A: begin;
> transaction A: update entry set sometext='text 1.1' where id=1;
> transaction A: .... do more time-consuming processing here...
> meanwhile, B: begin;
>            B: update entry set sometext='text 2.1' where id=2;
> -- both processes hang now
> I think this is too much locking here, because the logfile show's
> something like this:
> 'select 1 from "languages" where id=$1 for update' (2 times).
> Now I've a lot of tables (around 30) and use referential integrity a
> lot on ~10 columns (language, country....) , and with more fields it's
> very easy to deadlock the whole system (it happens a lot in my web
> applicaiton with ~20 concorrent users).
> IMHO the "select ... for update" on languages is not necessary, since
> I do not want to update "lang_id", but I might be wrong. The other
> problem is, that this will make postgres in benchmarks very slow (with
> many concurrent connections), at least if the application is not
> trivial.
> IMO the problem is in ri_trigger.c around line 390:
> /* ----------
> * The query string built is
> * SELECT 1 FROM ONLY <pktable> WHERE pkatt1 = $1 [AND ...]
> * The type id's for the $ parameters are those of the
> * corresponding FK attributes. Thus, SPI_prepare could
> * eventually fail if the parser cannot identify some way
> * how to compare these two types by '='.
> * ----------
> */
> Any ideas if this is a bug or simply strict SQL standard?
> Best regards,
> Mario Weilguni
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