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On 04/04/2010 18:10, David Fetter wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 03, 2010 at 03:17:30PM +0200, Markus Schiltknecht wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Michael Tharp wrote:
>>> I have been spending a little time making the internal SQL parser
>>> available to clients via a C-language SQL function.
>> This sounds very much like one of the Cluster Features:
>> http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/ClusterFeatures#API_into_the_Parser_.2F_Parser_as_an_independent_module
>> Is this what you (or David) have in mind?
> I'm not a fan of statement-based replication of any description.  The
> use cases I have in mind involve things like known-correct syntax
> highlighting in text editors.

The point here is not to expose the internal data structure, but to
deliver a tokenized version of the given SQL script.

There's actually many different use cases for external projects :
  - syntax highlighting
  - rewrite query with proper indentation
  - replication
  - properly splitting queries from a script
  - define type of the query (SELECT ? UPDATE/DELETE ? DDL ?)
  - checking validity of a query before sending it
  - ...

In addition of PgPool needs, I can see 3 or 4 direct use cases for
pgAdmin and phpPgAdmin.

So it seems to me having the parser code in a shared library would be
very useful for external C projects which can link to it. However it
would be useless for other non-C projects which can't use it directly
but are connected to a PostgreSQL backend anyway (phpPgAdmin as instance).

What about having a new SQL command like TOKENIZE ? it would kinda act
like EXPLAIN but giving a tokenized version of the given SQL script. As
EXPLAIN, it could speak XML, YAML, JSON, you name it...

Each token could have :
  - a type ('identifier', 'string', 'sql command', 'sql keyword',
  - the start position in the string
  - the value
  - the line number
  - ...

A simple example of a tokenizer is the php one:

And here is a basic example which return pseudo rows here :

=> TOKENIZE $script$
    SELECT 1;
    UPDATE test SET "a"=2;

   type      | pos |   value  | line
- -------------+-----+----------+------
 SQL_COMMAND | 1   | 'SELECT' |   1
 CONSTANT    | 8   | '1'      |   1
 DELIMITER   | 9   | ';'      |   1
 SQL_COMMAND | 11  | 'UPDATE' |   2
 IDENTIFIER  | 18  | 'test'   |   2
 SQL_KEYWORD | 23  | 'SET'    |   2
 IDENTIFIER  | 27  | '"a"'    |   2
 OPERATOR    | 30  | '='      |   2
 CONSTANT    | 31  | '1'      |   2

> Cheers,
> David.

As a phpPgAdmin dev, I am thinking about this subject since a long time.
I am interested about trying to create such a patch after discussing it
and if you think it is doable.

- -- 
JGuillaume (ioguix) de Rorthais
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