Simon Riggs <> writes:
> Can we keep the default=on during beta and collect evidence before
> making a final decision at release?

I'd be for doing that if it didn't have adverse effects on the use of
pg_start_backup (which is where we started this thread).  But it would
be to get more testing, not because we would consider beta results as
even possibly giving sufficient confidence to justify shipping 9.0.0
with the default = on.

I realize that you've sweated blood over a long period to get this
stuff in there, and if I were you I'd probably be wishing it could
be on by default too.  But from a project management standpoint
it's just way too risky to even consider.  HS/SR at this point have
to be seen as being about as trustworthy as the Windows port was in
8.0.0.  No DBA is going to be happy with that stuff getting turned
on unless he specifically asks for it.

Maybe in 9.1 or 9.2, but not in 9.0.

                        regards, tom lane

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