Andrew Dunstan <> wrote:
> If any Ruby hacker feels like fixing it please speak up.
I can't take it on any time soon.  If nobody else picks it up, I can
get to it "eventually".  Anyone taking it on might want to read
through the thread which starts at:
I reviewed the code enough to be pretty convinced that the problem
could occur if a file was committed after a scan for changes had
passed the file in question, and before it hit the end of the scan.
> The reported source of the software seems to have gone away. I can
> let you have my copy, which reliably reproduces the error, so we
> have a good failure test case.
If it's not as recent as this:
we might want to bring in (or at least review) what's been committed
since we grabbed our copy.  Some of the fixes mentioned sound like
they might possibly be related.

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