Robert Haas <> writes:
> I am fuzzier on what happens now.  I understand that it depends on
> what bug reports we get as a result of beta testing, but what I don't
> quite know is what the expectations are for individual developers, how
> we're tracking what issues still need to be resolved, or what the
> process is for deciding when it's time to release.  Any clarification
> from the old hands who have been through this  few times before would
> be much appreciated.

It's pretty fuzzy.  Usually we don't even think about making a release
decision until a couple of months have elapsed, and at that point we
have a somewhat better handle on what sorts of problems beta has been
turning up.  I think trying to set release criteria for 9.0 right now
would be premature.

I would say the expectation for individual developers is "test, and
read code".  It's certainly not time to be starting new feature
development yet.

As for tracking, historically Bruce has maintained a list of open
items, but I think we ought to move that over to a wiki page.
The existing PostgreSQL_9.0_Open_Items page would serve fine.

                        regards, tom lane

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