Bruce Momjian wrote:
> Jessica Perry Hekman wrote:
> > On Tue, 2 Apr 2002, Barry Lind wrote:
> >
> > > Since both the JDBC and ODBC specs have essentially the same symantics
> > > for this, I would hope this is done in the backend instead of both
> > > interfaces.
> >
> > The current plan seems to be to make changes in the backend and the JDBC
> > interface, the bulk of the implementation being in the backend.
> Yes, ODBC and JDBC need this, and I am sure psql folks will use it too,
> not counting libpq and all the others.

I wasn't able to follow this thread sorry.

> We just need a way to specify statement-level SET options inside a
> transaction where the statement may fail and ignore the SET command that
> resets the timeout.  We don't have any mechanism to reset the timeout
> parameter at the end of a transaction automatically,

Why should the timeout be reset automatically ?

Hiroshi Inoue

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