On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 5:27 PM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> Peter Crabtree <peter.crabt...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Now, I was reminded that I could simply do this:
>> SELECT nextval('my_seq') FROM generate_series(1, 500);
>> But of course then I would have no guarantee that I would get a
>> contiguous block of ids,
> The existing "cache" behavior will already handle that for you,
> I believe.  I don't really see a need for new features here.

I don't see how that works for this case, because the "cache" setting
is "static", and also shared between sessions. So if I have 10 records
one time, and 100 records the next, and 587 the third time, what
should my CACHE be set to for that sequence?

And if I do ALTER SEQUENCE SET CACHE each time, I have either killed
concurrency (because I'm locking other sessions out of using that
sequence until I'm finished with it), or I have a race condition (if
someone else issues an ALTER SEQUENCE before I call nextval()). The
same problem exists with using ALTER SEQUENCE SET INCREMENT BY.


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