On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 11:33 AM, Bruce Momjian <br...@momjian.us> wrote:
> Joseph Adams wrote:
>> == array/object conversion ==
>> The json_object function converts a tuple to a JSON object.  If there
>> are duplicate column names, there will be duplicate keys in the
>> resulting JSON object.
>> json_object([content [AS name] [, ...]]) returns json
>> Likewise, the json_array function converts a tuple to a JSON array.
>> Column names are ignored.
>> json_array([content [AS name] [, ...]]) returns json
> Do you see any problems with the fact that JSON arrays can use mixed
> data types, e.g.:
>        [ 1, 2, 'hi', false]

I suppose the json_object and json_array functions would determine
which JSON types to employ by looking at the types of arguments given
(TEXT values would become strings, INT/FLOAT/NUMERIC/etc. values would
become numbers, TRUE/FALSE would become true/false, NULLS would just
be null, and JSON values would just be inserted as themselves).  Note
that json_array('"Hello"'::TEXT) would yield '["\"Hello\""]'::JSON,
while json_array('"Hello"'::JSON) would yield '["Hello"]' .

Going the other way around, values pulled out of JSON objects and
arrays would just be of type JSON.  This (revised) function signature
says it all:

json_values(JSON) returns JSON[]

In short, I don't believe mixed data types in arrays will be a
problem.  json_to_* and *_to_json functions would be used for
individual conversions.

On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 1:15 PM, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> json_keys gets the keys of a JSON object as a set.
>> json_keys(json) returns setof text
> I would tend to make this return text[] rather than SETOF text.
>> json_values gets the values of a JSON object or the iems of a JSON
>> array as a set.
>> json_values(json) returns setof json
> Similarly I would make this return json[].

Agreed.  For those who want sets, the unnest() function can be used.

>> -> retrieves an item of a JSON object by key.
>>    [snip]
>> [] retrieves a value of a JSON array/object by (one-based) index.
>>    [snip]
> I think some kind of array deference and object deference mechanism is
> absolutely, positively 100% required.  I don't know whether the
> particular syntax you've proposed here is best or whether we should
> pick another syntax or just use function notation, but I think we
> definitely need *something*.

If the dereferencing operations aren't available, one could work
around it by using json_keys/json_values.  Of course, it would be a
really clunky solution, and implementing -> will probably be easy
compared to implementing those functions.

> I also think we need a function called something like json_length()
> which returns the length of a list or the number of keys in an object.


By the way, I'm considering making it so JSON arrays will be treated
like objects when it comes to -> and the json_keys function.  Thus,
json_keys('[1,4,9,16,25]') would yield '{1,2,3,4,5}', and
('[1,4,9,16,25]'::JSON) -> 3 would yield the third item.  This would
obviate the need for an array-only subscript function/operator.

In general, I prefer zero-based counting, but because PostgreSQL's
array indexing is one-based, one-based array keys would be better for
the sake of consistency.  Note that if there was a function like this
in the future:

-- Access a JSON object like you would in JavaScript
json_path('{"squares": [1,4,9,16,25]}', '.squares[2]')

There could be confusion, as JavaScript uses zero-based indexing.

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